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caught in a lie

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caught in a lie

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?" Athena looked up at Jeremy as he walked back into the study, looking at Mason Lockwood's blood-stained shirt warily.

"I thought I found something in Ric's box of stuff,"

Damon drops the hot poker that was in his hand, brows raising at Jeremy's apparent findings. "What is it?"

"I did a search on my phone. It's a plant, Aconitum Vulparia."

Athena narrows her eyes at Jeremy but shifts her gaze back to Mason to gauge his reactions.

"It grows in the mountainous areas of the northern hemisphere, commonly known as Aconite, Blue Rocket, and–"

"Wolfsbane," Athena mutters, earning two looks from Damon and Jeremy that she shrugs off. "My dad told me about it when I was little because I had an obsession with werewolves. Didn't know they'd end up being such dicks, though."

Jeremy shifts, looking at Athena. "Well, do you know anything about it? Every search I did said something different, so,"

She rolls her shoulders back, looking down at Mason as he grimaces his way through the pain and does his best to hide his reactions to their new information. "It's like vervain for vampires, it's toxic. A little bit burns, and a little more will kill them."

She holds her hand out for the wrapped wolfsbane that Jeremy had taken from Alaric's things. "Let me see it,"

The boy hands it off to her, and she holds it in her hands, examining the flower-like substance closely. Her dark gaze shifts upwards, and she looks at Mason from beneath her dark lashes watching the werewolf writhe in pain.

"Why is Katherine in Mystic Falls?"

Mason clenches his teeth and Athena drags the tip of the wolfsbane plant against his cheek, watching a trail of welted skin form in its wake. "Why is she here?"

"She's here with me," Mason's eyes shot to where Damon was standing beside her. "Why do you ask, you jealous?"

Athena scoffs, stepping in front of Damon to stop him from lunging. "If anyone should be jealous, it's you, Mason. Katherine's not exactly loyal, you know."

Confusion fills the man's eyes for a moment before he pushes it away, but Athena doesn't miss it. Suddenly smiling, Athena tilts her head down at the werewolf. "Damon, we've been awfully rude to our guest, haven't we? We haven't even offered him anything to eat,"

Athena crumples the wolfsbane in her hand and wrenches Mason's jaw open with her free hand, shoving the toxic plant into his mouth forcibly. Mason yells out, choking around the plant, and Athena steps away from him as he tries to spit it out.

Damon steps around Athena, his frustrations curbed at the sight of the werewolf's pain. "Why do you want the moonstone?"

"Screw you!"

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