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i will always be this

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i will always be this

"LIZ KNOWS SOMETHING," Damon mutters as he approaches Athena, making the brunette look up from the flowers she'd been placing gently into the soil.

"Care to elaborate?"

He clears his throat irritatedly, looking around the crowd. Caroline and Elena were staining wood columns while Stefan trimmed wood for more picnic tables, yet Liz Forbes and Mason Lockwood had been caught in the middle of it all, looking chummy. "Mason Lockwood is a werewolf, and I tried to prove the point by killing him."

Athena's eyes widen, but she glances over her shoulder, where Mason and the Sheriff are standing. "But he's still alive,"

"That's my point. I tried to kill him, and now he's going to try to kill me,"

"Well, why did you try to kill him?"

Damon looks down at the girl incredulously. "Did you not listen to a word I just said? He's a werewolf which means that the Mayor was one, too, that's why the Gilbert device messed with him that night."

Athena pats down a pile of soil gently, making sure to miss the delicate flowers sprouting from it. "That means that Tyler is one, too, then,"

"Exactly," Damon smiles triumphantly as Athena peels the gloves off of her hands, setting them down gently beside the pots of flowers. "And Stefan tried to make nice with Mason earlier, but I have no doubts that he's still going to try to pull one over on me, so some assistance would be nice."

The teenager hums, straightening her shirt sleeves out. "Why don't we just kill him first?"

Damon smirks, clapping his hands together as they walk away from the pavilion. "That's what I like to hear! Now, can you convince my uptight brother to think the same?"

"I've been trying to do that for almost six months, Damon," She shakes her head, smiling as they approach the two little girls running the lemonade table that Mason Lockwood was currently standing before. "It's Mason, right?"

The dark-haired werewolf turned, facing Athena with curiosity-filled eyes that quickly turned defensive at the sight of Damon.

"Yeah," He nods at the girl, pointedly avoiding Damon's smirk. "You are?"

"Athena," She offers a hand that he dutifully shakes.

"You two know each other?" He gives Damon a reproachful look, automatically assuming the worst.

Damon hums, eyeing the man. "She's Stefan's girlfriend,"

Mason's eyes widen as he glimpses at the apparent human before him. "Right,"

Athena smiles, feigning nonchalance as she looks around at the various volunteer stations. "Working hard?"

"Doing my part,"

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