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knock knock


"Well, obviously she's been going to the old witch house frequently enough to undagger you two and bring Finn there," Athena shrugs, gesturing vaguely to the Originals standing before her. "But I don't think she's stupid enough to be staying there, or at her actual house. That leaves limited options."

Elijah raises a brow, curious but not condescending. "How so? She's a vampire, she could compel anyone to let her stay with them."

"Yeah, but this is a small town and everyone knows who she is," Athena waved off the possibility. "Even showing up somewhere like that would get people's attention. And people would definitely start asking questions if she just randomly moved in with a stranger when Jeremy and Jenna are perfectly fine."

"So where do you suppose she's staying?"

Athena raised a brow, shrugging at Klaus's question. "My best guess? Our resident werewolf has a history of making terrible decisions. It wouldn't surprise me if he agreed to help her hide from us."

Klaus rapped his knuckles against the counter with a smirk. "Then I guess we should pay him a visit,"

"Pretty sure he's at football practice right now," Athena muttered, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall. "But you could go and see if she's there."

"You're coming with me," He pointed at her and she frowned.

"Why me?"

"Because you have a particularly homicidal quality about you, and I don't want to listen to my brother's pep talk about morals on the drive over there," Klaus smirked, ignoring Elijah's glare as he reached for his keys.

Athena sighs, shaking her head at his immaturity. "Fine, let's get this over with."

She stood straight, glancing at the rest of them. "Stefan, will you please look through the Gilbert journals for anything about Wickery Bridge?" He nods quietly, giving her a small, tired smile she reflects before she looks at Damon. "And don't let our guests out of your sight,"

"We are standing right here, you know that, right?" Kol looked at her, his eyes narrowed somewhat accusingly.

"I'm aware," She gives him a pointed, careless look. "I don't trust you."

"But you trust Nik?"

"Unfortunately for everyone, yes,"

"Enough chit-chat, brother," Klaus interrupts their bickering, glaring at his amused younger brother. "Let's go, Athena."

Sighing, the goddess nodded and followed after the hybrid, giving them all one last careful glance as she exited.


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