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this is who you are
WHEN SHE OPENS HER EYES, SHE'S SITTING ON A THRONE. There's a golden light encasing her surroundings, warming her like a sunset on a long summer day. With an observatory look around, she realizes she is in a completely unfamiliar setting.
Large, marble-cut columns shoot up endlessly into the sky, holding the high ceiling far up above her reach. Painted scenes cover the ceiling, and the longer she follows the story of them, the more she sees of wars, large monsters being slain, these blurry-faced, human-looking things at war against the beasts. Staking claim to the land. Slowly building things from the ground up, making a kingdom from ruins.
With a glance out of the front of whatever building she is, her breath is taken and she stands from her throne, shoes clicking on the marbled tile beneath her feet. When she steps out of the temple-like building, she finds a sight before her that is nothing short of paradise.
She was quite literally in the clouds, puffy, picturesque cumulus clouds that sat close enough to reach up and touch. Rays of sun came down, brightening with every step she took on the marbled steps.
She turns around and gasps at the sight of the temple she'd just walked out of, reaching for her racing heart. Her hand lands on her chest and she frowns at the silk fabric on her chest.
Looking down, she sees a white silk slip-like dress that billows to the pristine ground. She grabs the fabric in her hands, bunching it up so that it doesn't drag on the floor when she moves.
"Goddess Athena, have you come to bless us?"
Athena turns, her brows furrowing as she turns to put a face to the unfamiliar voice. A man stands, with a woman about the same age. She presumes they're married, by the way they hold one another's hands at their sides. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about,"
"You have come down from your throne to bless our marriage! To spread your wisdom and grace on us, for the first time. Oh, it would be such an honor to have the first blessing of your rule,"
She shakes her head, backing up slightly. "I don't,"
The man laughs, though he eyes her warily. "You haven't been home in so many years, but you've come for your father, haven't you? To aid him in guiding the mortal world?"
"My father?" She echoes, glancing behind her again to the temple. "Is he in there?"
"Zeus does not leave the temple when he is here on Olympus. It is where he's at his strongest."
Athena's mind races and she glances around, her breath coming quicker as panic begins to flood her. She lays an apologetic hand on the couple's intertwined fingers, her dark hair flicking over her shoulders bared by the thin straps of her dress. "I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me. I– I do hope your marriage is full of love and care for one another. I'm sorry,"