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we can keep another secret

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we can keep another secret


"Is now really the time?" Damon mutters, looking at Caroline with a frown. "We're plotting a murder. Your friend's biological father's murder, at that."

"Murder is the least of my concerns, Damon. Matt's supposed to match with me at the dance tonight and if he doesn't show, then my whole costume is pointless."

Damon looked at her in disbelief, his gaze sliding to Bonnie who just shook her head, silently exasperated. "Anyways," He says pointedly, ignoring Caroline's frown. "If John is trying to kill us, it means he knows something about Klaus and the ritual. Or he just really hates us, but I'm betting on the latter. Maybe a little bit of both."

"The full moon is next week," Bonnie mutters, biting her lip anxiously as Damon's gaze shifts to her again. "Elijah said the ritual has to be done under a full moon, right? That's next week."

"So, we've got a week to somehow get rid of John, find Finn and kill him without the dagger that will kill most of us, and avoid Klaus killing any of us. Any ideas on how we're going to do that?" His blue eyes shift from the witch to the vampire, and he raises a brow at her silence. "Caroline?"

The blonde snaps her head up from her phone, frowning still. "No, no, it's a great idea. Totally agree."

Damon narrows his eyes and shares a brief, concerned look with Bonnie who shifts in her seat. "Are you still caught up on the stupid dance? What is it even for?"

"It's a decade dance," Bonnie answers him, sighing slightly. She'd thought of asking Josh to go with her, but he had abruptly left, something about a rift in the timeline and being called off, she wasn't sure. He wasn't very good at explaining his godly duties. "The sixties."

"The sixties were awful," Damon groans, rolling his eyes. "There's nothing to fuss about, trust me."

"It's not stupid, Damon," Caroline huffs, putting her phone down. "And I don't care about the dance, I care about Matt. He's being weird."

"What even constitutes weird anymore?" Bonnie frowns, the question genuine.

Caroline shifts, leaning against the counter in the kitchen. "Remember when that witch tried to kill us all at the Grill, and I saved Matt?"

The two nod.

"Well, I had to compel him afterward because he was totally freaking out about vampires and talking about Vicki, I couldn't handle it. He was never going to be okay with it," She sighed, brushing her hair off of her face. "But he's been acting weird since then. I thought we'd sorted all of our feelings and stuff out, but he's still acting like he doesn't want this or doesn't want me."

Damon contemplates her words for a minute before he crosses his arms over his chest. "If Athena were here, she'd tell you to dump him and never speak to him again because he doesn't deserve you. I happen to agree with her on most things, so,"

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