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in every life

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in every life


Athena's gaze sharpened at the sight of the older man being flanked by a boy a few years older than her with dark hair and bright blue eyes. She smiled, bowing softly before the men. "You are Mr. Salvatore?"

The gray-haired man nodded, chuckling approvingly. "You may call me Giuseppe, Lady Hunt. It's an honor to have you here,"

"The pleasure is all mine, Giuseppe, but I must insist you call me Athena," Athena smiled, eyes darting to the tall boy watching her closely. "And you are?"

"This is my eldest son, Damon Salvatore. He'll be the one showing you around our estate. I would do it myself, but I am the host and I would hate to appear rude to my guests."

She waved the man off understandingly before turning to look at his son with a soft smile. "I understand. I'd be honored to have your son as my guide, no matter what."

Damon smiled, nodding dutifully as he offered her his arm, which she happily tucked her hand into. The two walked down the hallway towards the backyard, and Athena tried not to notice Damon's inquisitive stare on her profile as they went.

"Do I have dirt on my face, Mr. Salvatore?"

His cheeks flushed and he shook his head. "I apologize for my manners, Lady Hunt, you just seem so familiar,"

She huffs a laugh, waving him off. "Call me Athena, please. I get that a lot, surprisingly. Perhaps I just have one of those faces."

"Yes, I suppose so," He echoed her laugh, leading her into the bright greenery of the backyard. "My little brother, Stefan, is out here. He'd be delighted to meet you if he's not too busy with Katherine."

This time, it was Athena's cheeks that flushed and she ducked her gaze away from Damon's knowing one. "I'm sure it will be my pleasure to meet the both of them,"

He hummed, pulling her in the direction of a group of people, two of whom Damon brought her directly to. "Katherine, Stefan," His bright eyes shifted to the blond man standing there amongst the group of blushing women. "This is Lady Hunt. Father has invited her to stay while she passes through to New York."

Green eyes fixate on her brown ones and she inhales sharply at the bold color. Her pulse races in her neck and she ignores Damon's chuckle as he not-so-subtly redirects Katherine away from them, oblivious to the way the woman watches Athena with a hardened gaze.

"Athena," She mutters, watching every little flicker of Stefan's face. "My name is Athena."

He grins, and it takes her breath away. "Athena,' He echoes, grasping her hand to press a kiss to the back of it. "A name fit for a goddess."

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