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the truth comes out eventually

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the truth comes out eventually


Athena raised an eyebrow, looking up from one of the many books at her disposal thanks to Stefan and Damon's library. "Is she dead?"

Lexi shook her head.

"Then it was pointless," She huffs, turning to another page.

"I still don't know why I got put on Elena-watch, of all people,"

"Probably because the other options were a homicidal vampire, her ex-boyfriend who's also a vampire, and me– and we all know that I would let her die."

Lexi goes to argue, but she stops herself short when she realizes the teenage girl is right. "Well, she's pretty shaken up, but she's apparently still going to this dance at the high school tonight."

Athena hums again, barely taking her eyes off the book about demons in her lap. "Yeah, the decade dance."

"Are you going to the dance?"

"I have to, seeing as my ex-girlfriend constantly volunteers me for things I don't want to do,"

Lexi raises her eyebrows, sitting down on the couch across from Athena. "Do you have a date for this dance?"

"Why on earth would I have a date to the dance I didn't want to attend in the first place?"

"Well, perhaps if there was a certain vampire that wanted to attend with you–"

"I'm not into you like that, Lexi, I thought we established that."

Lexi's face falls into a glare. "First of all, everyone's into me. Second of all, you're horrible at deflecting."

Athena smiles, slamming the book in her lap closed after finding nothing useful yet again. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Lexi. And I think this conversation could happen later, okay?"

She looks over her shoulder right as Stefan enters the living room, Athena's bag slung over his shoulder. "Ready to go?"

"I've been waiting on you,"

He sighs, giving her a knowing look. "I was getting that vervain for Caroline,"

Lexi snorts. "And mentally preparing yourself for the thousands of questions that Elena is going to have after last night's conversation."

"Oh, so you did talk to her," Athena props her head up on the back of the couch, twisting to face Stefan completely. "About what, exactly?"

"I told her the truth about Katherine, and how she was adopted, which is why there haven't been any other doppelgängers in the Gilbert bloodline."

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