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i know the end
LONELINESS IS A COLD, DARK THING. Like the coldest of winters, where you just can't seem to truly get warm. It seeps into your bones and weighs you down, making every step an uphill battle.
Loneliness has eaten Athena alive from the inside out, like some sort of parasite that's killing her faster than she realizes.
With each day that passes, she feels it chip away a little bit more, her words hitting with less bite than usual, her facial expressions losing their severity. She'd lost her edge while retreating into herself and she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get back out.
Brown eyes so typically full of calculated emotions had grown cold and devoid of most anything. Her skin had a sallowness to it that was almost sickly, and her appetite had practically disappeared. She couldn't remember the last time she ate something, now that she was thinking about it. She couldn't say how much time had passed on Olympus, it all felt like one long day that never ended. A nightmare she couldn't wake up from.
Her fingers twitched aimlessly, another delayed response that was the only proof that her body was still there.
"Do you miss him?"
Zeus's voice broke Athena from her mind, her dark brows furrowing as his question ran through her head. Her nude-painted nails ran along the sturdy arm of the throne she was sitting on, and she tilted her head at him. "Who?"
Zeus mirrored her action, his head angling so he could look into her empty eyes. Though Athena's was full of confusion, his was just calculating. Intimidating. "Stefan,"
He said the name with an edge to it that even Athena didn't miss in her foggy state.
The thought of the vampire was so poisonous to even utter in his sanctimonious home that he could barely utter the courage to do so. Athena's fingers clenched subconsciously on the arm of her throne as the room settled into silence, the young goddess observing her father's frame a few feet before her.
Though she was young, she was wise, courtesy of the man staring her down with increasingly dark eyes. But the curse of her wisdom meant that she saw this for what it was– a test of her loyalty.
Athena's jaw ticked, and Zeus's did the same.
Growing up, people had always compared her to her father and she always flourished at the thought. After all, she never had a mother, so any comparison to her father was a good thing.
Now, she couldn't deny how similar they were, but it didn't make her feel anything good. Sometimes she wondered if she'd end up like him. Full of power. A god in every which way. Even the worst ones.