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a party for two

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a party for two


Athena huffed at the sound of Stefan's muffled voice as she tried to slide off of the mattress. "I'm getting out of bed, what's it look like?"

Stefan buries his head further into his pillow, barely straining his arm to tighten his hold around her waist and prevent her from moving any further. "Why are you getting out of bed?"

"Because we have school in an hour, and I promised Caroline I'd help her with the Miss Mystic Falls pageant."

The vampire groans, sliding Athena back beside him with a smug smile playing on his lips when she yelps in surprise. He peels his eyes open, meeting her unamused look with a barely contained laugh.

"Stefan," She pushes his blond hair off of his face, patting his cheek slightly. "We've been locked up in your room for two days, we have to go back to being people eventually."

He scoffs like the idea is ridiculous and gently pushes Athena back onto the bed. "Let's make it three days,"

She hums, turning her head as he tries to kiss her lips, making him hit her jaw instead. Stefan looks down at her incredulously, and she huffs a laugh. "Shouldn't the roles be reversed, here? I should be the one trying to stay in bed, and you should be the one telling me to be a good friend, right?"

"You know, my morals are not as strong-willed as you and Damon like to think. I am not an upstanding citizen all the time."

"Well, you could've fooled me," She rests her arms on his shoulders, looking up at him. "Are you going to let me out of bed?"

"I haven't decided,"

"Get up!"

Athena and Stefan yelp, the vampire instinctively covering Athena as Damon barged into the room, oblivious to their current state.

"Damon, seriously?!"

The raven-haired man registers the two and his face scrunches up in disgust as he gags. "Ugh, gross,"

Stefan sighed through clenched teeth. "Will you get out, Damon?"

The vampire, uncaring, holds a hand up to cover his eyes. "I'm afraid I have to interrupt the love-fest because you two have to go to school. I don't know if you forgot this, what with your two-day sexcapade, but we have a vampire-hunting history teacher that simply refuses to die."

Athena and Stefan groan in unison.

"Fine," Stefan rolls his eyes. "We're getting up– you are getting out."



"I can't believe you've never driven me around in your classic cars," Athena complained as she and Stefan pulled into the parking lot of the high school. She looked at Stefan, who looked at ease with a pair of dark sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose and a smirk on his lips.

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