Chapter 8

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"Maddie, I'm fine honestly!" Buck said for what felt like the millionth time. No matter how much reassuring he did, his sister would not stop fussing. Even Chimney, who always found humour in Buck's discomfort especially if Maddie was involved , was slowly feeling some sympathy towards the younger Buckley. But only slightly.

"I just worry. Your my Big lil brother." She replied, "And want to make sure you're comfortable and happy"

Buck rolled his eyes. Of course Maddie would say that.

"I will be extremely happy when they let me out of this place." He sighed.

"Well your in luck," Bobby said, choosing that exact moment to re-enter the room, "I just talked it over with the nurse and she said because everyone you know is basically medically trained, you can go home tomorrow as long as you stay with one of us so we can keep an eye on you." The smile on Buck's face faltered for a second. He had already been a burden to his friends, so who would want to care for him now. He was such a nuisance. Bobby was the only one to notice the anxiety

in Buck's eyes, because before he could continue his train of thought Bobby spoke.

"Get out of that head of yours kid. I've already cleared it with Athena, your coming back to ours. I'm sure Harry will be excited to have someone in the house who is finally a decent opponent on his games and you know May always loves gossiping with you."

Buck chuckled to himself as a feeling of love washed over him. He hadn't felt like this since before the lawsuit. However there was still something missing. Or someone. Buck looked at the bear sat on his table. Soon he thought to himself. We will see each other again soon Chris.

"I'm going to the canteen," Maddie stated "Anyone want anything?" She directed the question at Buck. There was a small silence before Chimney decided on a cup of tea and Bobby decided to go with Maddie to view the options.

"Red jello?" Buck finally asked. Maddie nodded but still rolled her eyes and laughed. Her brother could a huge kid. The two headed out and that just left Chimney and Buck in the room.

"I'm glad your OK." Chimney said smileing in Buck's direction, who was once again starring at the bear. The room fell back into silence. It was incredibly awkward.

"Thank you." Buck whispered. It was so silent Chimney almost missed it. "If it wasn't for you or Hen I don't think they would have realised."

"How did you -" Chimney started but Buck was to quick.

"Your literally dating my sister." he laughed which caused Chimney to smile. It had been a while since he had heard Buck laugh.

" I'm so sorry man. I should have completely ignored Bobby and made sure you were OK. Even I would go to great extremes to have my family back. " Chimney said. Buck looked up at him before a look of mischief flashed across his face.

" You probably would have spoken to me sooner or later, " he said.

" Oh yeah-"

" Yeah. I'm just to irresistible and Maddie would drag you buy your balls. She is my lil big sis after all." Buck laughed.

"You cheeky git." Chimney retorted but could barely contain laughter himself. That was how Maddie and Bobby found them - in hysterics. Made worse by Maddie's appearance.

Honestly we leave you two alone for 5 minutes and this is what happens!" Bobby exclaimed. Chimney and Buck's eyes met for a second before they broke down in laughter once again. It was nice to hear Buck laugh Bobby thought and it was very contagious.

"I'm literally surrounded by children" Maddie sighed.

Once everyone had calmed down, they settled into a light conversation like what had been happening at work and a crazy caller Maddie had. Halfway through Chimney's dramatic retelling of a cat rescue, there was small tap at the door. There at the door stood the one and only Henrietta Wilson.

"Oh Buckaroo!" She said before breaking down into tears and rushing over to Buck. She instantly enveloped him in a hug.

"Ah. Watch the ribs." He joked. Hen loosened her grip a little but still wouldn't let go.

"Come on Chim, I've got a shift in half an hour and need to get ready. You OK to stay with him over night again?" She asked Bobby, who nodded a reply without hesitation.

"I'll come see you two out." He said getting up to follow them.

"Bye Buck, I will be round to visit you tomorrow if its alright with Athena and Bobby!" Maddie called, already halfway out the door with Chimney following behind. Buck gave them a wave of acknowledgement but still kept his arms firmly around Hen.

It was a good five minutes before Hen let go." I should have done something sooner and definitely should have checked you over when you came out of that building." she told him, " I'm such an idiot, if I had noticed you wouldn't be here right now."

Hey, hey, hey this isn't your fault. It was an accident. I had no idea that roof was going to come down, no one did," Buck assured her. " If anything, I should be thanking you, without you, I doubt Bobby would even be here right now. You helped me find my family again Hen."

Hen smiled and hugged Buck again. From now on Hen decided she would look out for Buck even more than she already did for Buck was just a baby compared to the rest of them.

Ten minutes later saw the return of Bobby and unfortunately a nurse coming round to tell them visiting hours were over. Hen said her goodbyes and promised to visit again once he was settled at the Grant-Nash residence. By this piont Buck was exhausted and was ready to sleep.

"Rest kid!" Bobby said when he saw Buck's fight to keep his eyes open. His last thought was of Eddie and if he would ever visit.

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