Chapter 3

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As soon as Buck and Eddie stepped foot in the building, they were instantly surrounded by smoke. They couldn't see three feet in front. Huge flames, lucked the walls and the heat was intense.

" I know the officer said fifth floor but we should check every one just in case." Buck shouted, just to be heard over the fire.

"I think that's the only sensible thing you've said today Buckley," Eddie said but it was missing the banta that was normally there.Buck couldn't believe what he just heard. He had barely said two words to any of the team that day but before he could think about it anymore, Eddie had already started down the hall.

" LAFD! Is anyone here?" he shouted with Buck quickly following suit."LAFD". Thay wanted for a reply and when one didn't come, Buck and Eddie were quick to move on. They had made it to the fourth flour before they heard a response.

"That officer was right. That noise is coming from above." Eddie stated and with that he went sprinting to the stair well. Buck was about to follow when he thaught he saw movement out of the corner of his eye.

Hello? ", he called out, "I'm with the fire rescue."

He waited a while but couldn't hear anything. He didn't see anything else either. Buck made his way to the stair case, moving slowly incase he caught sight of something again.

"BUCKLEY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? GET YOUR ARSE UP HERE NOW!" he heard Eddie hollow. Deciding he must have imagined it, Buck ran up the stairs and along the hall untill he found Eddie.

"While you were doing who know's what, I found our person. Give me the other oxygen tank now, who knows how long they have been here." Eddie said enraged. Buck was quick to hand it over and looked down at the person. She was around her late teens and looked completely petrified. Her face, hair and clothes were covered in soot.

" Hi. My name is Buck and this Eddie. What's yours? " He said as calmly as possible.

" L-lucy." She stammered.

"Hi Lucy it's very nice to meet you. Now in order for us to get you out we need to know where your hurt" Buck continued "It's going to be OK and we are going to you out nice and quick. Can you walk?"

" Nothing hurts and I think so." She replied with confidence.

"OK let's get you up and out."Eddie said professionaly. Together, Eddie and Buck got Lucy into a standing position. Eddie looked at Buck and he nodded. He was going to lead them back out and Eddie would support Lucy.

" We're going to take this one step at a time OK. " Buck told Lucy and she nodded. He carefully navigated a path that Eddie and Lucy could easily follow.

They had reached the fourth floor again and Buck deffinately saw something. There was no mistaking it. It looked like a young child. Buck tore off in the direction of the child.

"Buckley! You get back here right now!" Eddie screamed but it was too late for Buck was already out of view.


Buck called out again for what felt like the hundredth time. He still didn't hear a reply. Beginning to believe he had completely made up the whole thing, Buck went to leave.

But then when he heard it. The noise was so quiet he thought he had imagined it. Then he heard it again.

"LAFD. Is any one there?" he called out yet again. However this time he got a response.

"Pwease help."

Buck sprinted in the direction of the noise and what he saw shocked him to the core. There admit the smoke and debree stood a young boy. He could have been no older than four.

" Hey buddy," Buck called out softly, " I'm going to get you out of here OK. "

The boy sniffed, and Buck could clearly see tear tracks on his soot covered face.

He continued to stare at the strange man in front of him than finally nodded.

Buck carefully reached to pick up the boy but the child backed further away. Looked like Buck would have to rethink his tactic to get the child out.

"It's OK buddy. I'm a firefighter and I'm going to get you safely out to your mum.(the boy seemed to perk up a little at this) My names Buck, what's yours?" Buck asked calmly although he was starting to get worried because the place was filling up with smoke and fast. If they weren't quick the flames would soon be blocking the exit.

The Boy considered the question before he answered " Liam."

"Well Liam let's get you out of here then OK?" Buck said softly and with that he scooped him up and began to make his way to the stair well. They had made it to the first step when Liam had an idea. This man who was saving him was really nice so he decided to ask " Will you be my fwend? " Without even thinking about it, Buck smiled and nodded. That seemed to make Liam happy.

By the time the had reached the first floor Buck had learned alot about Liam. For instance, his favourite colour was green and his favourite animal was a giraffe. Wow young children could talk for ages.

They were just about to start the decent to the ground floor when Buck heard a loud crack.

He only had enough time to push Liam to safety inside a nearby cupboard before chunks of ceiling came down. Huge heavy pieces came down on top of Buck, sending him sprawling onto his back. That had definitely broken a few ribs Buck thought. Luckily he wasn't trapped and was quickly able to grab Liam, sprint down the last set of stairs and race out a hole in the wall.

The 118 were desperately waiting for their youngest. Eddie had come out with a young girl an hour ago and those flames were beginning to grow stronger. Thankfully the 144 firehouse had turned up and were instantly trying to combat the flames to some success.

Another ten minutes passed before Buck came out of the building. He was carrying a small boy who was quickly grabbed by his mother. She was obviously thanking Buck for saving her baby boy. Soon after Buck walked over to his team. Eddie was staring daggers at him and Bobby looked like he was going to rip Buck to pieces.

Buck quickly climbed into the truck with the others following suit. He was definitely in trouble. Getting checked out was going to have to wait. This was not going to be fun.

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