Chapter 4

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The ride back to the station was painfully silent. Bobby was fuming, Eddie was vexed, Chim was feeling awkward and Hen was very worried. She glanced up at Buck and noticed a grimace on the youngsters face. He was sat as still as possible and whenever he was jostled to much by the truck, she noticed a quiet but sharp intake of breath. Remembering he previous conversation with Chimney, Hen pulled out her phone instead this time navigated it to Athena's number.

Hen: Hey are you able to swing by the firehouse?

After a few minutes, she got a reply.

Athena: Give me about half an hour because thats when my shift ends. Why has something happened? Are you all alright?

Hen: Well that's the thing. Buck seems really down and I think I know the cause but I would need to tell you in person.

Athena: Alright. I'll be over as quickly as possible.

Hen: OK see you then.

She put her phone away and looked around the truck. Boy, she couldn't wait till they got back to the station.

Buck had barely made it 5 steps from the truck before he was violently pulled backwards. That definitely wasn't going to help the ribs.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL BUCKLEY!" Bobby roared in his ear. " You don't just run off, abandoning your team mate at a moment of crisis. Eddie could have been seriously hurt not only him but that young girl too. I want you to go clean those bathroom floors right now! "

" I will, I promise but first can I just go -"

"No you can not! You will stay here and clean those floors." Bobby interrupted before swiftly turning and walking away. The hospital would just have to wait although he did really hurt like hell.

Buck walked slowly to the mop cupboard and grabbed what he needed. He was so worried about getting shouted at again, Buck didn't notice Athena walking over to him. He was quickly startled when he was enveloped into a light gentle hug. He hadn't been hugged for a while.

"Hey Buckaroo. How's it going?" she asked gently.

"I'm fine, a little tired but OK." He lied. He didn't want to upset her.

"OK." she looked at him with her mum face but was surprised when he didn't squirm. He used to. In fact Athena couldn't even remember the last time she had seen Buck.

It's been ages since I saw you last Buck. How come you haven't come over?" she asked.

"I was never asked." Buck replied before he could stop him self. Now that couldn't be right Athena thought. Bobby always told her he had asked.

"Alright. You go back to what you were doing then." she said and watched as he stumbled slowly in the direction of the bathroom. Hen was right to message her. Something was definitely going on.

Buck had just begun to mop the floors when he saw was Athena heading to the stairs. But that was all he could remember before he crumpled to the floor and everything went black.

Athena gracefully climbed the stairs to the 118's common area. Bobby was stood in the kitchen making a midmorning snack for the team(as they didn't finish breakfast), Eddie was playing a video game with Chim and Hen was sat reading her book. Before anyone noticed she was there Athena stated sternly,

"Some one had better start explaining what the hell is going on!"

If anyone had been smiling, one look at Athena's face would have instantly make it go away.

" Well we are about to have some food because there was a call during breakfast.I know you just finished a shift but you're more than welcome to stay if you want. "Bobby replied without looking up. This only help to fule Athena's rage.

" So I'm allowed to eat with you guys but Buck has to clean the floors on his own! Now how is that fair?"she asked.
" Now Athena that's a punishment because he - " Bobby started

Because he rescued a little boy from that building after helping that girl too. "Hen cut in," I'm sorry cap but I have had enough of the way we have been treating Buck! "

" What do you mean the way we have been treating Buck? He is the one who filled the bloody lawsuit in the first place. " Eddie added.

" All this over some stupid lawsuit? Yeh, no wonder Buck doesn't feel like part of this family anymore!" Athena cut in. Bobby looked shocked at his wife's outbist.

" Of course Buck is part of this family! Why would he think he isn't? " Bobby asked.

"Maybe because his so called family have been complete and utter assess to him!" Athena suggested.

" Now hang on!" Eddie began but Hen swiftly cut in.

"I'm sorry cap but you guys have been treating him like rubbish. We all have. Eddie, your supposed to be his best friend but you have kept your distance and been horrible whenever you have had to talk to him. The dark circles under his eyes suggest that he hasn't been sleeping, probably due to nightmare that you know he has about losing Christopher and you definitely haven't helped by keeping him away from him. How could you? Bobby, when was the last time you talked to him without shouting or berating him? When did you last show him how to cook something? Those chores you gave him were brutal but did Buck complain? No he was probably to afraid of being thrown out of the Firehouse. Chim, you and I don't even talk to him anymore only give him a glance every now and then. Aslo when was the last time any of you saw him eating with us? When was the last time any of you actually called him Buck?" Hen waited for a reply but didn't get one so she carried on." We have all hurt him so bad, it's a mystery why he is actually still here. "

By the time Hen had finished she had silent tears running down her cheek. Athena looked absolutely furious and everyone else looked, angry, ashamed and upset. Especially Bobby. How could he have treated someone he had grown to think of like a son that bad. Enough was enough he thought. Each one of them would have to work hard to show Buck just how much they cared and loved him.

" You guys better be ashamed with yourself," Athena said, " Now if I were you, I would go find Buck and start by apologising. Not that it's enough but it's a good place to start."

With that, all four of them went straight for the bathrooms. They had to make things right.

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