Chapter 2

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Unfortunately I still don't own the rights to 9-1-1. But any way on with the story. Sorry if any of the characters seem to ooc.

Buck raced out of the locker room and went to grab his gear. But before he even had the chance, Eddie moved into his way.

"Sorry Diaz, I didn't see you there." he mumbled, so quietly, Eddie almost missed it.

"It's fine", Eddie replied coldly but he still didn't move. In fact he just continued to lean against Buck's locker.

Buck looked through the glass windows and could already see the rest of the team gathering at the truck.

"Eddie, I need to get my gear out of there, please could you move out of the way?" he asked (rather politely I might add).

"Oh yeah, sorry" Eddie stated, "Wouldn't want to be sued for denying you anything." And with that Eddie walked out of the locker room and ran to the truck.

Buck just stood there, staring in the direction Eddie just went as a wave of anger and sadness washed over him.He never thaught Eddie would say something like that. His thaughts were broken when the captain hollered," Buckley you coming, or are the bathroom flaws going to be mopped?"

With that, Buck hastily grabbed his gear and ran to the truck. "Sorry cap. There was a problem with my locker."

He than climbed into his seat and could have sworn he saw Eddie smirked.

The ride to the apartment block was a painfully slow one. Well that's what Buck thaught anyway. He considered turning his head set off but quickly changed his mind because he didn't want to miss vital information. Instead he sat quietly in the corner, trying to make himself invisible. He doubted anyone remembered he was there. Except Eddie. He knew that much. While Hen and Chim were discussing homelife ( Hen had told a hilarious story about Karen, Denny and a spider) Eddie made sure he never even mentioned Christopher. Whenever they asked about him, Eddie would quickly change the subject.

Unknown to Buck, Hen and Chim would occasionally send worried glances to each other. Both in turn were filled with guilt and sadness at the treatment of their friend. They wanted to reach out to him and tell him everything was alright. Hey, they were even considering getting Athena involved. She would deffinately put a stop to this. However they also didn't want to anger Bobby. He just seemed so angry all the time. Any mention of their blue eyed co-worker and Bobby would either shut everyone out or start ordering them to do this that or the other.

After a while of listening to Eddie, Bobby and Chim retelling the news of the day, Hen decided to talk to her best friend in private. With a quick glance around the truck (especially noticing how Buck was trying to become the seat) she pulled out her phone and navigated it straight to Chimney's number. Hen typed out a quick message but Chimey had yet to get his phone out.

" Hey did you guys see that kitten post this morning." She said as an attempt to get his attention.

"Can't say that I did." Eddie replied with a sense of amusement . Luckily Chimney was already unlocking his phone. Ha. He was such a lover of kitten videos. Noticing he had a new message from Hen, Chim opened and read it.

Hen: We need to do something.

Chimney had no idea what she was going on about so quickly replied:

Do something about what.

Hen rolled her eyes. Sometimes Chim could be so oblivious.

Hen: Something about Buck. If he tries to get any more in the corner, I reckon he will burrow a way out of the truck.

Chim: I see. What do you think we should do? I mean I just want to help him soooo bad.

Hen: Me too. After we finish this call, I'm going to text Athena.

Chim: You sure that's a good idea?

Hen: Yeh. She will make everything right.

Chim: OK. Then I'm with you.

With that he turned his phone off and put it away.

"Any luck finding that cat video?" Eddie asked.

" No. I reckon it's a good thing though because I would only watch it on repeat."

Eddie burst laughing and Bobby soon joined in. Buck on the other hand did not. He just continued to remain as quiet as a mouse. No sooner had the laughing stopped, did the 118 reach their destination.

The sight that greeted them was utter chaos. Bright orange flames spilled from every window and kept going until they reached the top. Smoke cast a cloud of such darkness, one could quite easily have mistaken it for night time. Luckily the building was detached and only a few stories high.

"What have we got?" Captain Nash asked a passing officer.

" The sprinklers in the building didn't come on so the hole thing just went up in flames. Most of the residents managed to get out before it became to serious but there have been witnesses saying they heard crying and banging around the 5th floor." The officer replied before rushing away to radio for more crowd control.

" Buckley, Diaz. I want you inside and looking for anyone that is still in there. Watch out for each other. Hen, Chim. I want you two see to anyone who is hurt. Alright let's move!" Bobby commanded and proceeded to inform the rest of the crew on what was going to happen.

Buck nodded his head and he and Eddie raced to the entrance of the building. He had a bad feeling about this.

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