Chapter 10

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Athena just gaped at the man infront of her. To say she was shocked would be the understatement of the century. Weeks of nothing from Eddie and now there he stood at her door. Her blood bioled.

" What do you think you are doing here?" she spat out, glareing daggers at him.

"Please i just need to see him." Eddie replied, completely unfazed by the woman stood in front of her. Athena scoffed and continued to stand in the door way. There was no way she was letting this man in her house.

" You've got some nerve showing up here," she whispered venomously " That boy has been through so much and now you decide to show up. Do you know how much it hurt him that you never visited? Buck never said anything but i could always tell. It has been weeks and now you decide to talk to him, what guilty conscience got the better of you? "

" Look Athena I'm- " Eddie began but was quickly stopped by the death stare he was given. However, before she had the chance to continue, Bobby appeared at her side. He had gotten concerned when Athena had yet to return to the game, but now he understood why.

Bobby's features instantly hardened when he saw there newest guest. He too wasn't impressed with the younger mans actions.

" Bobby please," Eddie begged.

"I know why your here", Bobby said " And i wont stand in your way. But if you hurt that boy anymore, i will never forgive you". Athena just stared at her husband. How could he even consider letting that man near their boy. As if reading her thoughts, Bobby looked at her and said "Not for him but Buck. He deserves an explanation." Athen looked between Eddie and Bobby before sighing and nodding. "But i'm not happy about it!" She said.

May, Harry and Buck sat around the table waiting for Bobby and Athena to return. They were very curious as to what require both adults attention at the door but soon got their answer. For when they returned to living room, the adults weren't alone. Buck's gaze instantly found Eddie's. He was filles with happiness for a second but that was quickley turned to pain and anger. Why was he only good enough now?

" Kids, get your shoes on we are going for a drive." Athena said before promptly turning and walking out to the car. Not wanting to face their mothers rath, May and Harry quickley obliged with Bobby following shortly after, only turning round once to say they would be back in a couple of hours. Soon it was only Buck and Eddie left in the house.

" Hi Eddie" Buck whispered before braking into tears. Instantly, Buck was engulfed in a feather light hug that he instantly melted into,while Eddie gently moved them to the couch. Nothing but im sorry being whispered into his ear as Eddie sofltg ran his fingers through his hair. It was very soothing.After about five minutes Buck pulled away. His red rimmed eyes seeking out the brown ones he so deeply loved.

All Eddie could do was look away. However, a hand under his chin turned his face back untill he was once again looking at Buck. Buck was the first to speak.

"What are you doing here?" he asked hoarsely.

" I needed to see you, to say im sorry." Eddie whispered.

" So im finally worth it?"

"You've always been worth it!" Eddie exclaimed.


Then why did you stay away?" Buck asked. Eddie gulped. He had been thinking about this answer for a long time.

"At first I was angry", he said "Angry at you for the lawsuit, at you for staying away. All i could see was Chris loosing another person he loved, i didn't even realise how much it must have hurt you. Every time i looked at you, all i could see was Sharon and how she abandoned us and I just couldn't face it again and if i pushed you away i wouldnt get hurt anymore. But when I saw you passed out on the floor it was like the world stopped spinning. I was so scared. I was afraid i was going to loose you. Then i realised that by pushing you away you were the one hurting and i realised had left it too late to do anything. I thought that if i stayed away it would be better for you and eventually you would move on and find some one better. "Eddie said on the verge of tears. Buck had already lost that battle.

" There is no one better than you. " Buck quietly gasped between sobs.

" I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you, I was selfish and i understand if you never want to see me again.But please forgive me" Eddie whisperd. Buck looked at Eddie in horror. He never wanted to live a life with out Eddie in it.

" I will always forgive you Eddie," he said "I love you too much to loose you." Eddie stared at Buck in shock. He loved him. Buck loved Eddie, even after everything he had put him through. However before he could think anymore on this Buck's lips were pressed against his owns. They were so soft and perfect. It was as if they were made to fit together.

Once they broke away, Eddie rested hks forhead against Buck's. " I may love you amd forgive you" Buck said " but this doesn't automatically fix everything. We have to learn to trust each other again and learn to work together again."

"I understand that." Eddie said before he closed the gap between them once more. Buck smiled into their kiss. There may still be a long road ahead but finally his family was complete again and so his heart was whole.

The End.

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