Chapter 6

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By the time Hen, Athena and Chim had filled Maddie in on the actions of the 118, Eddie and Bobby wouldn't look anyone in the eye and Maddie was absolutely furious. Chimney was very worried for his friends. He had been on the receiving end of his girlfriends rath a fare few times.

"HOW. COULD. YOU!" Maddie breathed out. She was almost shaking with anger.

"Your supposed to be his best friend. Someone for him to talk to and laugh with. You should be disgusted with yourself. Instead of talking to him about it you ignored him and bullied him. And you!" she said turning on Bobby. "I can't even begin with you! He looks at you as the father he never had. And then you just throw him aside as if his feelings don't matter. Do you know everything he does it to make you proud of him? If I were you I would do anything and everything I could to make Buck feel loved and part of this family again! " she paused to take a breath.

" And how did none of you notice how hurt he was. I can't even believe none of you know how this happened to him. Weren't any of you radioing him. And from what I gather, he was asking you, Bobby, to go and get checked out but you instead made him go and mop the floors. And now because of you my Baby brother is lieing in a hospital, alone and with who knows what going on to him!" She cried. Tears were streaming down her face and Athena instantly enveloped the oldest Buckley in a hug. Everyone else sat in silence. The only noise came from Maddie's sobs and the gentle words of Athena and then Chimney when he held her.

Eventually the crying began to stop and Chimney took the double chair, so he could lay Maddie down with her head in his lap. Eddie and Bobby both looked lost for words. How could they have treated him like that. Buck who was so innocent and kind had had his heart torn in millions of peices. Something had to be done.

Noticing the time was heading towards evening, Bobby decided that first step would be food seeing as everytime they had tried to eat that day, something catastrophic happened. He also decided that Buck would need some things when they were allowed in to see him. Bobby could easily have done this on his own but who knew Buck better than his sister.

"I'm going to get pizza and some stuff for Buck. Maddie can you come with me, I wouldn't know what sort of things he would need." he said.


addie looked up a little confused. She new Bobby would know what to get her brother but she found herself nodding anyway. At least it would give her something to do instead of just waiting. She got up slowly and said " I'll drive." Bobby nodded and followed her without complaint. After all that did make the most sense as they had all arrived by squad car and ambulance and they were parked at the very back of the hospital.

Maddie led the way to her car and once they were on the road, the only thing that could be heard were the radio and Bobby placing the pizza order. Before he knew it! They were at Buck's place.

Maddie unlocked the door to Buck's apartment with ease. She was always shocked at how tidy he kept his home. As she wen snooping through he brothers living room for who knows what, Bobby went upstairs and grabbed a rucksack. He then proceeded to fill it with stuff for Buck. He chose some sweats and a comfy looking shirt as he knew how much Buck detested the hospital gowns. He then also grabbed some socks as he remembered Buck's preference to them instead of being bear footed. Finally, Bobby wandered into the bathroom and put together some basic toileteries such as a toothbrush and deodorant. Thinking he had everything he needed, Bobby made his way back down to Maddie. She handed him a blanket and a bear.
"What are these for?" he asked
"Whenever Buck is sick, he wraps himself in this blanket and the bear was a gift from Christopher after the tsunami." Maddie sniffed. Knowing she was about to cry again, Bobby drew her into a tight hug.

"Hey. He is going to be OK. Buck is strong and is a fighter. You know that." He said into her hair. Being held by Bobby was soothing and calmed her almost instantly.

"Come on. Let's go get those pizza's and see how our Buck is doing. Do you still want to drive?" he asked.
Maddie nodded and whipped her eyes. They then headed out of the building and back to the car.

She drove them to the Domino's were Bobby payed for and collected the pizza's but instead of heading back the hospital, she took a detour to the firehouse.

"What are we doing here?" Bobby asked as Maddie got out of the car.

"Well I realised you guys would probably want to get out of you uniform and I know you always have a set of clothes in your bags." she said " But I can't carry them all on my own."

Bobby looked at her, she was such a Buckley. Always thinking of others first. He nodded her and they walked into the station together. Bobby found everyone's locker easily enough and even grabbed Buck's. At least then he would have two sets of clothes.

The ride back to the hospital was quick and relitavly quit. During that time, Bobby had messaged Eddie to come out and help them and when they arrived he stood outside waiting . Bobby handed him half of the bags while he took the other half and Maddie carried in the pizza's. Every one was grateful for the food and change of clothes.

"Have you guys heard anything?" Maddie asked as soon as she walked into the waiting room.

"Not yet hun but we will don't worry." Athena reassured her.

The whole team and Athena quickly dug into the pizza but Maddie didn't feel like eating. However, Chimney managed to persuade her to take one piece but she only pulled it to pieces.

By the time they were all fed and changed a nurse came out.

"Family of Evan Buckley she called out" and every one of them rose instantly.

"How is he?" Maddie asked.

"He sustained a severe chest trauma which resulted in three broken ribs and one of them went on to peirce his lung. We managed to fix that right up and set his ribs. He also had to have his spleen removed and has a mild concussion but we think that's frome when he collapsed. We would like to keep Evan under observation for a while and he is going to be absolutely fine." The nurse said.

Everyone instantly sighed in relief.

" Can we see him? "Maddie asked.


He is asleep right now but I think having his family there will help him feel better and safe. So if you would all like to follow me, he is just down the hall."

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