Chapter 5

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When Bobby, Eddie, Hen and Chimney reached their destination, they were horrified at what they saw. There on the middle of the ground was Buck, completely unmoving except for the irregular rise and fall of his chest.

"OH MY God, BUCK!" Bobby exclaimed before rushing over to him.

"Buck. Can you here me?" he asked gently while tapping the younger man's face.

"Come on Buck, let us see those baby blues."Hen said as she made her way to Bucks other side.

" Cap, I think we should take him to get checked out. I mean we found passed out who know's why."She went on.

" Hang on let's just try and wake him up first and then we will see if he needs the hospital. " Bobby replied. To this, Hen just nodded. Almost as soon as he said this Buck began to stir. He opened his eyes slowly and as soon as he caught sight of Bobby he shot up.

" Aaahhh, " Buck inhaled sharply, his complextion paling considerably . " Sorry Cap. I swear I am almost finished, I -"

" The floors don't matter Buck, you do." Bobby interrupted.

"What?" Buck asked but before anyone could say or do anything else, he clutched his middle and began emptying the contents of his stomach. No body moved. This was more serious than they originally thought.

When Buck was done, he slowly looked round the room. Everyone was staring at him with what looked like concern. But why? Shouldn't they be mad at him. After all he hadn't even completed his task.

"Why are you all here?" He asked, barely audible. However before anyone could reply, Buck fell unconscious again. Without the support from Bobby and Hen on either side, Buck would have definitely fallen in to the vomit puddle.

Almost immediately Bobby started barking orders.

" Eddie go find me a clean tshirt and sweats in Buck's size. Hen, Chim get me an ambulance ready. Athena could you please come and help me with sorting Buck out?"

She nodded instantly and all the others left quickly to do everything their captain asked.

Luckily, Buck was in his button down top today, which meant Bobby didn't have to move Buck around to much. Athena sat towards the top of Buck's head, gently running her fingers through his hair. Yet when her husband finally removed the younger man's shirt, Athena sucked in a sharp breath.

Buck's torso was a rainbow of bruises. He definitely had a few cracked ribs. Though that still did not explain why he was unconscious.

"I need everyone to hurry up!"Bobby called out " I need to get him to a hospital now."

With lightning speed, Eddie returned to the bathroom. Although once he saw the sate his best friend was in his heart almost stopped. How come none of them noticed this?

Eddie, there is no way we are getting a tshirt on him and anyway the hospital would probably cut it of him." Bobby said. "We will just have to cover him in a blanket and I know there is one in the ambulances."

Eddie nodded in agreement. Just then Chim and Hen came in with a gurney. However, they too stopped and stared at the state of their youngest friend. Silent tears began to fall from Hen's eyes.

With all of them working together, the 118 and Athena got Buck into the gurney and into an ambulance. Athena was going to give them a personal police escort to the hospital.

"Hen, we need to set him up on the oxygen machine and Chim...Someone has to call Maddie." Bobby told them. Hen nodded and Chimney gulped. He was not looking forward to that conversation.

With lights and sirens blaring, the 118 left the station.

"Hey guys," Hen said "I think he is coming to!" Everyone instantly looked in Buck's direction and watched for the second time that day his eyes flutter open. Pain instantly filled his eyes and a small moan escaped from under the oxygen mask.

"Mm gunna be sick" he mumbled and Hen instantly placed a bucket under Buck's head. The sound of retching instantly filled the ambulance.

"Cap!" Eddie exclaimed with a look of pure worry. Buck was now vomiting blood.

"We need to go faster. I'm going to radio the hospital, let them know we are coming!" Bobby said.

"This is Captain Nash of the 118. We have an incoming male who has been in and out of consciousness and is now vomiting blood. Suspected chest trauma and internal bleeding. We are about five minutes out."

Copy Captain Nash. We are ready and waiting to receive."

Having heard the radio go off, Athena put her foot down with the ambulance following suit. They reached the hospital in no time.

Just as was said, a group of doctors and nurses were waiting for them. Athena jumped out of her car to assist the team in getting their youngest to the medical attention he so desperately needed.

"Thank you Captain Nash, we can take it from here." One of the nurses said but Bobby was hesitant to let Buck go. After all if he said Buck could go, he probably wouldn't have passed out.

"Come on sweetheart," Athena said "He is in the best hands now."

Bobby nodded and finally let go. They all watched as Buck was rushed into the ER and the double doors swung closed behind him.

"You guys are all officially off duty," Athena said " I just cleared it"

Bobby smiled at his wife gratefully and headed to the waiting room.The rest of the team followed.

Stood in the waiting room, was a very worried looking Maddie Buckley.

"Someone better tell me what the hell is going on." she stated. This conversation was going to be fun.

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