Chapter 7

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He was swimming. Swimming in a deep pool of nothingness. Everytime he tried to break through to the surface, darkness would drag him back down again.

Maddie hadn't moved from her position next to Buck's bed, his hand gently clasped in her own. The room was filled with the steady beep of the heart rate monitor and a constant hum of electricity that came from various wires that snaked under his covers. To her he looked tiny in that bed.

A soft nock at the door took her attention away from Buck's slumbering form.

" Come on Mads. Let's get you home and into a proper bed, instead of that plastic thing." Chimney spoke softly.

"I can't!" She replied "What if he wakes up?"

She looked at her boyfriend with desperate eyes, as if pleading not to make her leave. If she left Buck would be alone.

Chimney could see the pain and worry in her eyes and quickly rushed to pull her into a tight hug.

It's OK," he whispered into her ear, " He is going to be all right."

"But how do you know that? The doctor said once the sedative worked it way out of his system he should wake up but he hasn't even moved yet. He needs me. If I leave who will keep an eye on him?" Fresh tears ran down Maddie's face and all Chimney could do was hold her tighter.

Bobby watched as the oldest Buckley broke down into tears. It was breaking his heart seeing the pain this caused and all because he was to oblivious to what was going on around him. Without even thinking about it, words spilled from his mouth.

"I'm still here," he said "I can keep an eye on Buck."

Maddie turned to look at Bobby, a protest already beginning to form on her lips but he continued to before she had a chance to express it.

"You said yourself, Buck needs you but he needs a well rested you. He wouldn't want you to be loosing sleep over him. He would would want you to go home and look after yourself first. I can stay here with Buck and I promise I will call you if there are any changes." Bobby looked at Maddie and saw her slowly nod.

" But you call me? "She half asked, half stated.

" I promise. " he quickly replied.

With one final glance at her brother, Maddie made her way to the door, with Chimney closely following behind. A silent thank you was mouthed over his shoulder to the captain as the door was pulled soflty shut behind them.

Bobby took the seat Maddie had vacated and looked at Buck. "Well kid, it looks like it's just you and me."

He was almost there. The surface was calling to him and this time there was no wy he would let the darkness take him. He pushed harder than ever to get there as he just new there was something important on the other side. As he got closer and closer he became aware of new things. Like a continuous beep and a strong smell of antiseptic. But there was another smell. Home. Something around him smelt like home and it was about time he found out what. He willed his heavy eyelids to open and was met with a white blinding light.

I'm still here but you can't see meWhere stories live. Discover now