Chapter 9

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The next morning found Buck in high spirits. He was finally going home. Well not home exactly, but he was leaving the hospital. However these high spirits found Bobby's eyes constantly doing a 360 in his head. Hospital policy meant Buck wasn't allowed to walk out of the hospital, he had to pushed in a chair but that didn't mean he wasn't going to have fun while leaving. The blanket that had been brought from Buck's apartment was neatly folded across his lap because apparently there was a chill in the hospital but Buck really couldn't feel it but Bobby insisted.

From the small trip from, the hospital room to the elevators, the pair had been stopped at least half a dozen times by nurses who personally wanted to wish Buck well and a speedy recovery - Bobby was highly surprised that none of them had given the younger their phone number. It was making leaving very hard. Once safely inside the lift Buck began fidgeting with the blanket.

" What are you up to? " Bobby asked, watching the young man intently.

" Creating a disguise." Buck replied with his signature lopsided grin. He unfolded the fabric and then promptly rapped it around his head and shoulders. Bobby couldn't help but steal a picture.

" Honestly Buck, your going to draw more attention to us - you look like E.T." He laughed.

" Buckley go home."

It wasn't long after that, the doors slid open. It was time for round two. Luckily the lobby wasn't particularly busy so it didn't take them long to reach the exit. A familiar squad car was parked right in front of them. As soon as Athena caught sight of Buck she jumped out of the car and instantly ingulfed him in a bear hug.

" Oh Buckaroo," She sighed "Lets get you home and fed shall we?"

Buck nodded into her shoulder before carefully manouvoring into the back seat.

It didn't take long for Athena to get them home, and no even in her rush to get Buck to the house she didn't break any rules. One glance in the rearview mirror told her that Buck was passed out, sound asleep and even she had to admit that's the most at peace she had seen him for a while. She sighed sadly before turning slightly to her husband.

" It pains me to say this but one of us has to wake him because neither of us are strong enough to lift him." She said.

Bobby thought carefully before looking Athena straight in the eye and saying "Rock, paper,scissors for it?". Athena sighed deeply and rolled her eyes before getting out of the car nd heading towards the door. Well looked like Bobby got his answer. He got out of the car and manouvered to the back doors, opening them carefully to ensure Buck didn't fall out.

" Hey buddy, come on we're home." He said as he gently nudged the younger man's shoulder. It took a couple of trys but eventually Bucks eyes drifyed open and he was awake. " Hey Bobby," he slurred tiredly, " Mm sleepy".

Bobby chuckled, sleepy Buck was incredibly tired. However in the second it took him to think that Buck had drifted back to sleep.

" Come on Buck, as soon as we get you in the quicker you can go back to sleep in a nice comfy bed." With that Buck nodded and slowly got out of the car, leaning heavily on Bobby as they made their way inside. He made good on his promise as they headed straight to the guest bedroom. Upon seeing the bed, Buck didn't even change into something more comfortable before he collapsed onto the matress, lightly dosing in seconds. Bobby looked at him fonbly before tucking his blanket around him and leaving the room.

Buck slept for a few hours and during that time Micheal had been round to drop May and Harry off, then left but not before he asked for his good wishes to be passed on. The kids, especially May (she andBuck were normally a forced to be reckoned with when they were together), were under strict instructions not to disturb Buck while he was sleep and to knock before entering his room. Of course this rule was completely forgotten when sound of movement was heard from within his room. Once Bobby had confirmed he was awake, May and Harry practically sprinted into the room and threw themself onto his bed. He laughed at their antics before bring both of his pseudo siblings into a tight embrace.

May instantly started ranting about the ltest gossip and any boy troubles she was having and Buck listened to every word. Then Harry was trying to get him to go into the living room to play the newest video game beause according to him the graphics and sound was better in there. Buck happilybagreed a he, Harry and May made their way into the living room. They tried to be sneaky but of course Athena noticed. She gave all of them her mum look before rolling her eyes and letting them carry on. May wasn't even intersated in the game she just wanted to stay close to Buck - in fact both of the kids did. Especially when it was time for dinner and both of them argued over who got to sit next to Buck, so much so Bobby and Athena had to extend their table just so he could sit in the middle of them. It wasn't long after that, Buck was asleep again - completely exhausted from the day.

Eachday was the same after that, May telling Buck about her day and Harry wanting to play every video game ever made. When they weren't in the house and Bobby and Athena were working, Buck found ways to entertain himself. He particularly enjoyed the amazon prime series into the baldlands and instantly found his favourite character in Ryder. He also educated himself on films made before he was born and if anybody asked no he definitely wasn't hooked on say yes to the dress. (The dresses were just soooo pretty).

The next weekend everyone was off, every member of the Nash-Grant household was sat around the monopoly bored eagerly awaiting Bobby's next role of the dice. He was just about to move his piece and absolutely thrash Buck (if he did say so himself) when there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Athena called out as she was the closest to the door and it wasn't her turn for at least another 5 minutes. She opened the door swiflty and came face to face with one Eddie Diaz.

" Hey 'thena," He mumbled, "Is Buck available, I need to talk to him."

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