Chapter 1

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Thank you so much for clicking on this book and giving it a try hope you love it and don't forget to vote and comment on it. And by the way its a short story so please bear with me as its my first book. Thank you for trying it out once again and also this is the work of my imagination. Happy reading.

Samiras POV

"Utakuwa unatupigia kila siku na utatuambia venye huko kuko sindio? [you will call us everyday and tell us how it is there right?] my best friend Alice asked me in our native language of Swahili.

"I promise ntakupigia kila siku dont worry" [I promise that I will call you every day don't worry] I answered her back and after giving her a quick hug, I made my way towards my mother who was patiently waiting for me at the airport gateway. After one last wave towards Alice and her parents, I went in and braced myself for the long journey about to come.

I  sighed as i remembered the day that i left home for New Zealand. As much as this country is great and the people here have been friendly, i still miss home. mostly because of the friends that i practically consider family but also because of material things ranging from the local food to the good music.

Now I'm sure you are wondering what all that was all about, well let me tell you a little something about myself. My name is Samira Falana, I'm 18 years old, African and currently on my way to the local high school that i got enrolled in when i first got to NZ which was not that long ago. I think it's been a week?.....

Anyways you see my mother works as a consultant for companies and recently, she got based in New Zealand for an unknown amount of time and so like the good mother she is, she decided to take me with her just to be safe in case she has to stay there for a number of years.

I must admit that at first I was shocked since I had to move away from all my friends and also start my last year of school at a place where I dont know anyone but after the initial shock wore off, let's just say that i couldnt wait till we left since I was going to a new country and going to experience a whole new culture that i'm not used to.

So in a nutshell, what im trying to say is that i moved from home and im basically the new girl at my new school. Cliché right? WRONG. Unlike those new girls in books  who are shy and sweet and don't want to be noticed, i'm loud, outspoken and will put you in your place if I think you deserve it.

After taking one last deep breath, I made my way towards the school courtyard which was filled with students. Some were goofing off waiting for classes to start while others were just arriving and my personal favorite, was that some were staring and pointing in my direction talking about how awesome I am. [Note the sarcasm]. Instead of paying them much concern and beginning to feel self conscious, I held my head up high and made my way to the double doors of Eastside high school sending a scowl to some people every once in a while if i find them pointing or staring at me.

I got to my locker successfully ignoring everyone who made snide remarks about me and got my books ready for my first lesson. Now let me tell you one thing, if you want to come out of anything successful dont boast about it before crossing the finishing line which in my case is the classroom because you might just jinx yourself. Now back to the story....

After getting my books, i turned and came face to face with a pair of hazel eyes staring at me in such an intense manner, that I immediately began feeling self conscious about myself which was a first since i never care about what people think of me.

Now when I say face to face, I dont really mean all up in my face and invading my personal space. I mean the guy staring at me was  across the hall with a group of friends but in some mysterious way as i stared into those hazel eyes, it made me think that we were the only people in the entire hallway but that thought and feeling went as fast as it came together with my common sense.

I pushed aside that weird felling and mustering up all the courage i had i walked up to the mysterious guy who had the face of an angel, the body of a god and silky black hair that I'd like to run my hands thro-   FOCUS on the task at hand Sami I mentally scolded myself and stopped right in front of the guy ignoring his friends who had stopped talking once I approached them their eyes shining with curiosity awaiting my next move.

The guy  immediately straightened from leaning against the wall and raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner, a strange glint in his eye which almost resembled... adoration?? what the heck is wrong with this guy, we just met.

"Quick question do I look like a celebrity?" I asked the guy my hands on my hip.

"What?" he replied in a husky voice that sent shivers down my spine but chose to ignore.

"I asked whether i look like a celebrity since you keep looking at me which by the way is making me uncomfortable" by now, the hallway was pin drop silent as they watched the scene unfolding before them, waiting for the guy to respond.

"I-uh-I was-"

"What cat got your tongue?" I asked amusement leaking into my voice but gave him no chance to reply as i continued "Look dude i know im the new girl and everything but that does not mean that you have the right to openly stare at me like some creep. Its just plain rude if you want to say something just walk up to me and talk like a normal person otherwise   keep your eyes to your self and if not, trust me when i say that i will claw them out with my bare hands" I told him in all seriousness and left before he even had a chance to reply.

The warning bell went off and all i could think about was how that perverted jerk made me late to my first class. To top it all off, I did not know where my first class was so I spent a good five minutes looking for the biology classroom and when i did, let's just say that I could hear Hallelujah being sang in the background.

I opened the classroom door only to be met with almost twenty pairs of eyes staring at me intently but from all of them, I could only make out a pair of hazel ones sitting at the very back of the classroom.

"Miss Falana i presume?" a voice asked me from the front of the classroom

I tore my gaze away from jerks' eyes and focused on the teacher in front of me. I managed to nod my head and from there, he directed me to sit next to a black haired boy who looked way too exited to be having a desk mate and strangely looked like a jerk I know.

I took a seat next to the boy and planned to ignore him for the rest of the class but he was not making it easy since he kept talking to me. I mean you would think that the guy would have gotten the hint after the second try but i guess he is one of those people who believe in third times a charm.

I decided to put an end to his misery by at least telling him my name but that led to a whole other conversation, in which i got to know him better and learn that his name was Max and he was quite entertaining, but i could have sworn that any time I laughed at one of his jokes i heard a low growl coming from somewhere in the classroom.

At the end of the lesson in which I'm pretty sure I only heard half of, Max invited me to have lunch with him and his friends and being the friendless person that i am, i accepted.

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