Chapter 8

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Rays POV

The tension in the room was so thick you could cut through it with a knife.

"So your telling me that what I saw on that day was not a dream?" My little mate asks her lower lip slightly trembling. I hated to do this to her. Lying, but I had no choice she had to figure out her feelings before finding out the truth first.

"It was true Sami but I made you believe that it was a dream I'm sorry" I told her pleading with my eyes for her to forgive me but all she does is stare.

"Why why'd you do it"she asks but this time her voice is void of any emotion which makes my wolf whimper and my heart clench in pain.

I tried answering but nothing came out causing mom to step in for me. She has officially rendered me speechless. Again.

"For you to understand this we have to explain everything from the beginning but please no questions till the end dear."

Samira nodded her head and mom began the story. I at least felt happy that she gave me the benefit of the doubt to explain myself instead of running away even though I don't deserve it.

"Samira what you saw was a werewolf. Now before you freak out you promised to listen. Anyway we have a goddess named Selene who created us. We're her children and she is our mother. Werewolves as you know are part human and part wolf but we don't shift only on full moons as movies and stories suggest. We can actually do it whenever we want once we've reached the shifting age which is sixteen. Apart from that.....well umm werewolves also find their mates at sixteen. You see Selene gave us soulmates your other half and your wolf's instinct is to always provide and protect your mate. A mate is identified when they look into each other's eyes. You feel like everything is on pause and only you two are alive and also when you touch,you feel sparks erupting all over. A mate can either be werewolf or human like you" mom finishes while Samira's eyes widen in realisation.

"Wh....when you say we you mean..."

"Yes we are werewolves Sam" I answered and made a move to touch her but she jerked her hand away mine.

"'t touch me" she muttered then stood up and began pacing infront of us.

"Samira please try to un...." Leon started but was cut of short.

"Just please be quiet all of you you lie to me and now want me to listen after getting caught just  great!" She yells at Leon who simply whimpers and bows his head in submission. He may be a strong fearless gamma but no one would like their luna yelling at them.

We all could feel the anger radiating off of her in great waves, making all our wolves whimper and leave us ashamed knowing we brought pain to the luna and most importantly a person who holds a special place in our hearts. From friend to sister to mate. Apart from her mother of course she's human but I can tell she knew her daughter was upset since she tried to talk to her.

"Sam tafadhali tulia na uwaskize"( please calm down and listen to them)

"How can I mama they lied to me they should be grateful that I at least stayed to listen to them. And how do you know about this" she fumed once more my heart clenching further in pain. Why did I lie.

"Sam like I said Lily and I have been friends since highschool and when she met her mate I was there to witness it. At first she never told me the truth but later came clean after we were attacked by stray wolves known as rouges. Granted I was mad but I learned to forgive so I understand what your feeling"

"You don't get it mom, nobody does. I couldn't care less about them being wolves, sure it's odd and a bit unusual and shocking but that alone doesn't define them. They made an effort to be my friends despite our obvious difference and they haven't judged me for it so why should I them. It'll take a bit of getting used to but I'll do it cause I value them as friends. Well maybe not all of them but still. I'm mad because a few weeks ago they made me think I was going mad.

This past month has been the hardest of my life and when I tell them about it they just dismiss me saying that what I saw was nothing but a dream. I was sad, I was scared and there was no one I could talk to without them thinking I'm insane. So no im not going to listen" she finishes hot tears streaming down her cheeks and she runs upstairs most probably going to her room.

You made mate sad my wolf whimpers

I know and I'm sorry I'll fix it

You better or I promise you you'll regret it he threatens before retreating to the back of my mind

"Ray what did you do to my daughter"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt her like that she saw a dying pack member attacked by rouges then fainted and freaked out. I didn't think she could handle the truth then" I answer my head bowed.

"Well find a way to apologise because I can tell you for a fact that she is extremely mad. She doesn't like it when people lie to her." Zora tells me.

"I know I'll do it but I don't think she wants to listen to me right now"I say staring at the stairs she just climbed not less than two minutes ago.

"You're right she doesn't I suggest you try tomorrow."

All I do is nod. "I think we should go now Zora. Thank you for inviting us for dinner though we didn't have any and we'll reschedule when everything blows over" mom says while we all get up ready to leave.

"Yeah sure hopefully she comes around soon. I'll see you soon Lily" Zora shares a hug with mom before we finally leave.

" This is messed up I just hope she forgives us it's wired not having her around" Lydia exclaims and we all nod agreeing with her.

I look through the rear view mirror and Max is staring out the window deep in thought. He's been awfully quiet all night.

"Max you good?" I ask and he jolts upright as if coming back to the real world after day dreaming.

"I'm fine just.......I hope she doesn't turn out like Stacy"

My hands tighten on the steering wheel and I grit my teeth so hard that I think they'll break.

"She won't"

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