Chapter 3

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Samira's POV

When lunch came, to say i was nervous would be an understatement. My palms were all clammy and sweaty and for the last five minutes of the last class to lunch, I was all fidgety and restless and it was not because i thought whether Max's friends would like me or not. I told you I don't do that kind of crap because I honestly dont care. 

My restlessness was rather caused by a certain boy with black hair and hazel eyes that undid me. If you haven't guessed it yet, I'm talking about jerk face who's real name is actually Raymond. I learned this when Max was telling me about the people I would meet at his table and it was just my luck that jerk face was one out of the three i would meet. Oh! And the cherry on top, they are brothers and that is why Max looked strangely familiar when i first saw him. The other two were Leon and Lydia i believe.

Max and I made our way towards the cafeteria and the closer we got the more I wanted to get out of this lunch date but its like Max could sense what I was thinking since he held onto my hand and pulled me through the double doors.

Their table was right in the centre of the cafeteria. Cliche much?

Anyways, I could tell that everyone was already there. Everyone including Ray.

We got to the table and all chatter immediately stopped as they craned their necks towards my direction.

"Guys this is Samira. My new best friend." Max introduced me as I awkwardly stood to the side and waved.

There was an awkward silence and I could see that every one of their eyes was glazed. Strange. The girl called Lydia was the first to break the silence.

"Nice to meet you Samira I'm Lydia. And by the way great job on putting Raymond in his place back there."

"Nice to meet you too." I responded purposely avoiding the whole Raymond situation who by the way was staring at me.

What the hell was wrong with this dude. I mean is being told off not enough?

"Dude I thought I told you I'm not a celebrity" I told him effectively snapping him out of his daydream while taking a seat next to Lydia but unfortunately also close to him.

"Sorry" he muttered looking away.

"Never thought I'd see the day that big bad Ray would apologise" Max teased which in turn earned him a glare and snarl from Ray. I just snickered along with Lydia and Leon who was snuggling Lydia. Huh guess they are a couple.

After the initial awkwardness, we became comfortable around each other and from there, the conversations kind of just flowed freely. Most of it had to do with us making fun of Ray but I got to know them better to a certain degree.

Max was the clown of the group while Leon was more along the lines of bad boy with his piercings and tattoos. Lydia looked like a tomboy and finally Ray was...... Ray. I don't really know how to describe him since he was a mixture of  everything.

He had the bad boy vibe in him though not as much as  Leon and he could be funny if he wanted to just like Max but he was also quiet and seemed like he was always assessing his environment and people around him.

Lunch was not as bad as I thought it would be and after a few more lessons with both Max and Ray, it was the end of the day and I can't tell you how happy I was. I mean I did make new friends but east or west home is best.

I made my way out of the school gates and finally breathed a sigh of relief as I began my walk home. After walking for a while, I heard footsteps behind me and when I turned around to look, the last person that I wanted to see was following me.

Ray's POV

I couldn't let her just go home without speaking proper words to her so I followed her. After a while, I think she heard me since she turned around to face me and the look on her face made my wolf whimper at the back of my mind.

She looked like she wanted nothing to do with me and to the both of us, that seemed like rejection.

She strolled towards me and once in front of me, I could finally see the full on glare she was sending my way.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me" she sneered.

"Look, I know I made the wrong first impression and I'm here to ask you to give me a second chance" I told her swallowing my pride.

"And you think I believe that? God knows what goes on in that head if yours when you openly stare like I'm a piece of meat."

My heart broke at the words directed to me not able to comprehend why she would think we would want her for that.

"I'm sorry about today Sam but I hope that you can give me a chance. Its no secret that I'm attracted to you but its not because I think your easy. Just one chance is all I ask for. We can even start off as friends if it makes you feel better. Please." I practically begged but this was my mate we are talking about even if she wanted me to drop on my knees and beg, I would gladly do so in a heartbeat.

"I don't know" she said but her voice was wavering which made me think that she was considering it.

"Please I promise I'm not going to hurt you and like I said we can start off as friends."

"Fine friends it is" she said and stuck out her hand for me to shake and I did so gladly, the contact making sparks go up my hand.

Samira gasped and immediately released her hand from my grip and held it close to her chest.

"Siamini nimekubali" ( I can't believe I've accepted this)  she muttered in a language I couldn't understand but before I could question her on it, she turned her back to me and left.

I could have been trying to understand what she had said before leaving but both my wolf and I were in joy because our mate had decided to give us a chance so I couldn't  care less about trying to translate what she had said.

Prepare to be wooed my dear mate.

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