Chapter 5

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Ray's POV

The past couple of weeks have been the most amazing weeks of my life if I must say so myself. Mom wasn't wrong when she said that a mate brightens up your days since that's all that Samira has been doing recently.

We've been getting to know each other on a deeper level and we now feel much more comfortable around each other. Sure she still has not reciprocated my feelings towards her but I'll let her take her time and let the mate bond do its thing.

Anyways another basic thing I learned about her is that whereas if you ask anyone what their favourite colour is they may tell you blue,pink or red she doesn't have one. She says that and I quote "I don't really have a favourite colour unless rainbow is a colour" weird girl.

"She's not weird just unique you idiot" defended my wolf

"I didn't mean it in a bad way and you know it so shut up" I retorted effectively shutting him up.

Today I was going to ask her to meet my mom since the woman has not stopped pestering me ever since she found out I have a mate. Of course I'm going to keep it casual but let's just hope that she'll accept my invitation.

"Hey Sam could I talk to you for a minute?" I asked pulling her away from the others as we made our way to lunch.

"Sure what's up"

"Ummm.... I... Uhhh" I stammered

"Ray we talked about this use your words"

"Right sorry. I was wondering if you would like to come over to our house today after school and hangout or not if your not comfortable we could also study or maybe we should just make other plans it was stupid....." I rambled out wanting to get it off my chest.

I mean if anyone saw me now,they would not believe that I was the alpha to one of the strongest packs out there.

Sam stared at me in amusement for a while before finally putting me out of my misery.

"Of course I can come over I just need to call my mom and tell her I'd be home later than usual"

"Thank you" I said engulfing her in a bear hug as pleasurable sparks danced across my body from the contact.

As usual,she first stilled before relaxing into my embrace still not used to the sparks. I could tell she was confused by them but at the same time felt some comfort because of them and so didn't question it.

I just hoped that she could figure out her feelings soon because I don't think I can go on lying to her about everything.

"Now come on I'm starving and by now I'm sure you know I'm not that nice when hungry" she said breaking the contact between us and walking into the cafeteria towards our table.

"Where have you guys been?" Asked max once we sat at the table while stuffing his mouth with tater tots.

"Looks like your having me as a guest at your home today Maxwell" replied Samira not taking her eyes of her plate of fried chicken and fries

An ear piercing squeal sounded around the table and Max,the culprit behind it, practically jumped up and down clapping his hands like a toddler " Oh you are going to love it there especially my mom"

" Jesus Maxwell can't you keep it down" Leon boomed out effectively shutting up Max.

"Thank you Leon" Sam called out to which Leon replied with a curt nod.

"Now Max I get that you're exited but tone it down would you I said I'm coming no need make my ears bleed" she finished

"Sorry" max replied sheepishly

Sometimes I wonder if that boy really is my beta let alone brother.

Lunch proceeded from there and the end of the day came quicker than expected meaning that it was time to go home.

Samira's POV

Nervous would be an understatement to what I was feeling. My hands were clammy and sweaty and I kept rubbing them on my dress and my stomach felt like it was being twisted and turned in all the wrong ways.

And why you ask, because I was told I was going to meet Rays mom.

"Don't be nervous its not going to be that bad" ray told me reassuringly.

We were currently in Rays car and he was driving us to his house. Us as in me and Ray. Max, drove alone and Leon and Lydia together.

"And you know that because......" I dragged on

"No one in their right mind would not like you and you have a way of earning a spot in everyone's heart without much effort"

"Okay that did not help one bit"

"I'm serious but if you're still not sure let's put on some music to get rid of some of those nerves"he said turning on the radio

......" OK that's trash listen to this" I said as I plugged the cable into my phone  blasting afro beats through the speakers.

"Now this is good music" I said to Ray who had already started bobbing his head up and down to the beats of the song.

We well more like I spent the whole way singing to the music on my playlist at the top of my lungs while Ray just stared at me occasionally asking the meaning of a word he didn't understand.

When the last song on my playlist came on, I quietened down and listened instead of singing along like I did the others.

"Why'd you stop singing" asked Ray

"Nothing really just that this song gets me nostalgic and makes me miss home. I feel better just listening to it although it has nothing to do with home" I answered

"What's your home like?"he asked

A ghost smile appeared on my face before I answered him " I don't really know how to describe it so that you can somehow picture it but the city I live in is always full of life and people are always working. Granted it can be hectic sometimes but that's the beauty of it. And the street food is just to die for and as much as their is dust in some areas it just makes afternoon walks with my friends much more enjoyable"

"Sounds like you really loved it there"

"I did and I still do"

From there, we settled into a comfortable silence listening to the song before we finally arrived

"Wow your house is huge" I commented

"Uhh yeah big family" Ray said scratching the back of his head nervously.

Big family did he invite his whole clan to  live with him because the house was the size of the white house maybe even bigger. Before I could question him on it, a lady with waist length black hair just like Rays made her way towards me a big smile plastered on her face. I think its his mom seeing as some of their facial features resembled.

"Hello dear I'm Lilian Rays mother"  Ha! I was right its the mother "you must be Samira I've heard lots about you" she said wrapping me in a hug. Wow they must be a family that really likes hugs. wonder if his dad was like this.....

"Yes I am Samira and I hope you've heard good things of course wouldn't like to destroy my résumé now would I"

"Just like he described you I love it. Lydia dear come,let's talk and leave the boys to themselves for a while" Lilian called out.

Lydia? I turned and sure enough, Lydia Leon and Max were standing behind us and to the side watching the scene unfold. Huh, when did they get here? Oh well.

Lilian dragged me into the house and I looked back at Ray silently asking him to go with me but all he could do was just give me a thumbs up. Traitor

Samis playlist.

Nyashinski- Bebi Bebi
Nyashinski- Lift me up
Nyashinski-Time of my life
Fireboy- Vibration
Olakira- Maserati
Runtown- Mad over you

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