Chapter 10

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Samiras POV

"So what do you guys think?" I asked while staring at myself in the mirror.

"Girl don't stress I'm not there and i can tell you already look good" Alice tells me

"She's right you look good. But I really don't think he'll care. He likes you for who you are not your clothes. Just go out and have fun." Lydia confirms.

Ok so mama allowed us to date but no funny business not like I'd allow it anyway. And tonight Ray and i are going on our first date. I didn't care for the whole surprise factor so I told him to just get it out already and he told me we'd be going geo catching.

Excitement was an understatement to what I was feeling but at the same time nervous but all in all I decided I would just have fun.

I was dressed casually and after putting my hair in a half up half down do, I made my way towards the front door where Ray was waiting. If you were wondering I was at his house since I wanted to get Lydia's insight on everything though she didn't seem too concerned. Alice on the other hand who I had called minutes after I arrived kept on blabbing endlessly about how good I looked and which hair style would best fit the outfit I chose. Sometimes she is too hyper for life

"You ready? And we are gonna walk if you don't mind"

"Yap and no I don't mind."

From there,we made our way towards the woods in his backyard,where everything had changed for me turning my whole world upside down.

"So I'm sure you know the rules keep an eye out for leads and you'll find hidden treasure"

"Got it" I said already spotting a red ribbon tied to a tree and I followed the trail.

On the way, Ray and I talked about our future and I told him I wanted to take things slow I mean we do have the rest of our lives together. At some point, we began competing to see who would spot the most ribbons and as always, yours truly was the winner. I mean come on you should have seen that coming.

Anyway our walk came to an end too soon and I found myself in a somewhat cave that had a pool at the centre and an opening at the top that let in the moonlight and you could see the stars clearly. It looked like a cave from that mermaid show mako mermaids or was it just add water......
Eh I'm sure you get what I mean.

"Its really beautiful Ray" I said staring in awe at the place.

"I figured you'd like it since you have a weird connection with nature" he playfully told me.

"Its not  weird but your right I love it thank you!" I squealed jumping into his arms,once more my arms around his neck, legs around his torso and head buried deep in his neck. It seems like I've been doing this for a while but he didn't seem to mind so why stop.

"I'm glad you love it Sami but I'm not done"

I pulled back and stared at him in concussion but nonetheless let go of him following him up a ledge that overlooked the pool. Before me was a classic. Picnic  basket and a blanket and to be honest, I loved it.

"Well are you going to sit and eat or just stare"

"You've really gotten bold haven't you"

"What can I say you're rubbing of on me"

I simply chuckled and took my place next to him.

"Thank you so much Ray" I whispered and leaned in giving him a peck on his cheek.

"You're welcome love" he whispered back and for the rest of the night, we spent it together talking, laughing and star gazing while we cuddled.


So this marks the end of my book and to you who has read it, thank you very much it means a lot to me and like I said before, its my first book and I hope you excuse the mistakes and point out what you think I've done wrong. Anyway its been a great journey with these two and thank you once more for clicking on this.
Don't forget to to comment and vote. Byeeee

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