Chapter 7

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Samiras POV

it's been four weeks since the whole wolf incident and let's just say that I have been on edge ever  since. Gone is the once confident sarcastic girl I used to be now a jumpy and ever scared girl.

What happened that day did a number on me since whenever some one approaches me without me seeing them, I get startled easily and end up having a mini panic attack.

It's like I no longer know what's real from what is fake since everywhere I go I see a wolf turning to a human and smiling at me bloodily. I tried to talk to Ray, Leon and Lydia more than once to tell them what happened was real but they all just told me that it was some dream and I should let it be. They didn't believe me heck even the crazy and totally random Max didn't believe me I mean who would werewolves don't exist.

I jolt awake from the nightmare once again. Sleepless nights have become my norm for the past four weeks. I look at the time and it's six in the morning. Two hours till school so I decide to call Alice and check in on her it's been a while since I did and that girl will probably be awake she doesn't sleep.

"Saaaaaaam msichana umekuwa wapi unajua nimekumiss" (girl where have you been do you know I miss you) was the first thing she said after she picked up the phone.

"Hey pole nimekuwa na shughuli kadhaa"(sorry I've been a bit busy) I tell her.

No way am I going to tell her what happened if my friends here don't believe me why would she.

"Oh okay so how are you"

I contemplate telling her the truth but decide against it she doesn't need to worry.

"I'm okay just trying to keep up with school and everything"

"Okay cool so how are those friends you told me about"

"They're good and there is something I've been wanting to tell you"

"Okay this ought to be good now spill" she says and I can practically feel the excitement rubbing of off her.

I smile and it's a real smile on my face for the last month.

"Okay so unakumbuka Ray sindio"( you remember Ray right)

"Mwenye anakucrushia namkumbuka"(the one who has a crush on you I remember)

"Alice I think I like him. I don't know how or when but I like him a lot and I don't know what to do" I tell her. This has been weighing on me for a while now.

I really have come to like Ray but I can't date him. At least not yet.

"Oh my fucking gosh eeeeeeeeee Sami you have to tell him" Alice practically screams in my ear.

"I don't know what about mama"

To be honest my mom doesn't really allow me to date. I mean I know it's wired since I'm practically eighteen and can make my own decision but she thinks that boys waste my time that I could use to study. She says that she would only allow me to date while in school if it's really my soulmate but come on we all know those don't exist and I couldn't agree with her more but something feels different with Ray. He's not like the other boys that have approached me before.

"Najua. Si basi uambie Ray na uone kenye atasema kama anakupenda atangoja if not you know what to do"( I know. Why don't you tell Ray and see what he says if he likes you he'll wait)

I contemplated on what she said and she was right I had to talk to Ray. 

Alice and I talked a little bit more and after a while, she had to go to bed and I had to go to school so we said our goodbyes and I went ahead and got ready for school.

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