Chapter 4

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Samiras POV

I  woke up bright and early the next morning and after my morning routine, I got dressed,styled my hair into two afro puffs and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning mama" I greeted as I sat down at the breakfast table .

"Morning Sami" she answered. Her eyes which used to be full of life when dad was around now slightly dull.

Truth is ever since dad died she became more quiet and often kept to herself.
She even stopped talking to some of her friends while she was mourning and even after she was done, she kept them at an arms length away greeting them only when need be to not appear rude.

"Unaendelea aje kwa hiyo shule ukona marafiki?" (How are you doing in the new school, any new friends) she inquired her eyebrow slightly raised.

"It's actually really nice and I made some friends.....more or less" I answered back not knowing how I'm supposed to tell my mother that a mere boy I just met, is trying to court me.

"What do you mean more or less?"

"Forget it its nothing much" I told her and proceeded to tell her about Max, Ray, Lydia and Leon, leaving out the part where Ray openly declares his attraction towards me.

"Wanakaa ni watu wazuri" (they seem like they are good people)

"They really are mom I don't know why but for some odd reason even though I met them recently, I trust them."

"Well I'm proud of you for looking at this whole moving thing positively despite the haunting past we know of. In fact invite your friends over for dinner one of these fine days."

"I'll keep that in mind anyway acha nitoke ndio nisichelewe (let me leave so that I'm not late) have a good day mama." I called out to her already out the door hearing a faint reply before it shut.

Blinking back the tears in my eyes, I made my way towards school.

They were all standing together just like the first time i saw them but the only difference is that this time,they were standing around my locker.

"Good morning I didn't know that my locker was the new hangout spot for the cool kids" I muttered out.

"Good morning to you too and its not a hang out spot we got here earlier than you and decided to wait for you". Max corrected

" Riiiiiiight" I said not trusting anything that came out of that  boys mouth.

"You know she said that not trusting you one bit right?" Lydia told Max trying to get under his skin and poor fellow too dumb to realize what she was doing fell right into her trap, which led to an argument that Leon tried to break off.

I watched them in amusement but then heard a forced cough next to me that made me tilt  my lips upwards in an amused smirk.

I watched him squirm a bit under my gaze before he finally spoke "morning Sam"

"Good morning to you too Ray"

"Hold up! So apparently Sam is allowed to call you Ray but we're not because she's your ma......owwww!" Max exclaimed before he could finish his sentence.

"What was that fo......ohhhh sorry" he apologised to Lydia who had pinched him leaving me confused.

"Max what were you going to say?" I inquired. What did he think I  was to Ray.

"Uhhhh nothing see ya" he practically ran before I had the chance to question him more.

I shifted my gaze to Lydia and Leon who just stared at me with dazed eyes before they dashed out of there. Leaving me with a very nervous Ray.

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