Chapter 9

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I couldn't sleep all night and as a result, my eyes have bags under them and they are puffy and red from all the crying I did.

All I want is to crawl back in bed and stay there but I have something called school to attend. Thank God it's Friday.

After making myself look at least presentable, I make my way towards the front door.

"Sam before you go, I want you to really listen there might be more to the story and please don't do anything harsh. Kama ingekuwa mvulana mwingine ningekuwa nishamchapa (if it was any other boy I would have beat them up for you)but this is your soulmate we're talking about, you're meant for each other and I know what it can do to a person or wolf without your mate" mama tells me.

I nod then leave.

Werewolves wow never thought this would be happening to me but as much as I don't mind I'm still mad. That idiot is going to pay for lying to me before I forgive him.

Yes forgive him I know your thinking how soon but I can't stay mad for forever beside I really like Ray and since mom has  given us the go ahead, why not.

Once I get to school, I feel like my eyes have finally been open. Majority of the students and even some teachers bow their heads when I pass in submission. It's a way of showing respect to their leaders. What can I say I did some research last night. What irks me is how I never noticed before.

I got to my locker and as always, it was crowded by the four most biggest jerks on the planet. I contemplated walking away but that seemed petty and I was not petty. I was bold and called a spade a spade.

I approached them carefully and slowly and they watched my every move keenly. It made me feel like prey and them predetors which is ironic since they could literally kill me if they wanted to.

"You have two minutes to explain yourselves starting with you three"I said pointing to Max, Lydia and Leon because I already know what they were going to say. What? I said I had time last night.

Basically in a pack of wolves there is an alpha who gives out commands that the rest must follow without question. It's also phisically impossible for them to refuse since they feel some kind of pain caused by their wolves. Yah I don't get it either.

Though if my suspicion is correct, Ray is alpha since most of the time they follow his orders and back at his house, a glare from him made even his mom be quiet.

"About that we're sorry Sam we were given orders and we can't go against them we really are sorry about everything" see I told you.Max said deciding to be the speaker.

"I forgive you but you'll have to try harder than a sorry now if you'll excuse us,I have this one to deal with."

I grabbed Rays arm ignoring the sparks that have now become stronger than before and pulled him towards the courtyard. I needed privacy for this.

"Now is your chance" I told him and he sighed before starting.

"Samira i did what I did because call me selfish but I wanted you to first like me for who I am then I'd tell you later on."


"Sami Max used to have a human mate but she died. It's not my story to tell you have to ask Max about it but her name was Stacy. Long story short she thought that she was forced into a relationship with Max and our kind was almost wiped out, story for another day. What I'm trying to say is that I didn't want to tell you about our bond or kind because you'd then feel obliged to be with me or forced.

Rather I wanted you to first figure out your feelings. Sure the mate bond would be there but that just gives you a push in the right direction whether you want to be with me or not is your choice and I didn't want to take that away from you no matter how much it would kill me"

I didn't say anything rather jumped on him giving him one of those long hugs with my legs wrapped around his torso.

At first he was unresponsive but later wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so so so sorry Sami"he murmured

"I forgive you" I finally told him putting him out of his misery. His reason was genuine and I really appreciated the fact that he wanted me to choose what I want.

Classes had started long ago but I didn't want to leave Ray's arms so we stayed like that for a while with him holding me up seems like he didn't mind it either.

"So what's the mating process?" I inquired.

Ray and I were currently on our way to my house. He insisted on walking me home and who was I to complain. He had been telling me about the wolf world.

How I'm supposed to be a Luna and lead a pack of wolves and how I have the power to make them do anything I want and they can't object. Its overwhelming but he told me I'd learn, plus his mom used to be a Luna and she'd teach me.

Another piece of important information I learnt is that our dads were were just as close as our mothers and on the night they had died they were together doing "guy stuff" like I know what it means. But mom and I had to move since it was too much for her to handle, thus loosing connection when she became closed off.

It hurt a lot but I understood why mama didn't tell me sooner. Which brings me to our current conversation.

While Ray was explaining about the mate bond, he mentioned something about the mating process which was confusing me
"Uhhhhhhh" he dragged on the tips of his ears turning a shade of pink. Hah! He's blushing.

"Out with it man"

"Well it basically means I bite your neck to mark you then... We uhhhh you know do the deed"

"Hold up bite my neck!!" I exclaimed.

"Well its not going to be that painful plus it only shows other males that your my mate"

"Oh God this it too much plus no way am I doing anything with you before marriage which is going to take a while"

"Sam like I said before I'm willing to wait and you can take things at your own pace but just know that I will always be there for you okay?"

I simply nodded my head. Wow he really gets me was all I could think about as we walked on hand in hand.

"Surprise!" was the first thing shouted at me when I opened the door followed by a huge stuffed midnight black wolf placed in my hand.

"Uh guys what's this?" I asked already admiring the stuffed animal in my hands.

"Well we still feel bad for lying to you so we thought we'd bring you a stuffed animal and take you out" Leon explained rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Its still weird seeing his soft side.

"Well I'm glad let me grab my jacket then we can leave. And thank you for the wolf" I told them. Pshh no way was I going to act all humble it was their fault at the end of the day.

The day was spent productively. We went for mini golf then hit the fair where I exploited all four of them. I guess you could say I was still somewhat mad. Then when the sun had finally set, they led me to a clearing where they showed me their other halves.

At first I was scared thinking back to that day in the woods but was able to get myself under control after a while. They were all pretty. Ray a reddish brown wolf larger than the rest, Max a brown one the second largest, Leon a gray one third largest and finally Lydia a midnight black one just like the one I have.

I begrudgingly got on top of Ray and we went for a run which turned out to be awesome and then the day was sealed with Ray asking me out on a date.

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