Chapter 6

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Samiras POV

An hour or two with Lydia and Mama Lily (that's right I call her mama lily now) and I was left in stitches. They are the funniest duo I have ever met and it was easy for us to get along despite the age gap.

We talked about a lot of things ranging from embarrassing stories about Ray to any type of gossip we could think about. I even ended up telling them about home and some of the adventures I got up to with Alice. Which reminds me I need to call her soon.

After a while I got fed up of sitting around waiting for Ray. Apparently he had gone to the garage, to do exactly what I don't understand since his car was perfectly fine but hey, these people were weird and that's what I get for choosing to hang out with them.

"Hey Lydia,mama Lily I'm gonna go out for a walk if that's okay I'll be back soon" I called out.

"Yah no problem just take care and don't go too deep into the woods" mama Lily told me.

I shouted back an affirmative before closing the back door and making my way towards the edge of the forest.

Now I know you are wondering what is wrong with this girl just heading towards the forest hasn't she watched enough horror movies to know never to go into the forest alone? But come on, there was no where else for me to go since their house was surrounded by the woods which I found odd but chose to ignore. Also mama Lily told me that it was safe and I trust her. I'd like to think of her as my second mother despite knowing her for less than twenty four hours.

It's funny how I trust them with everything I've got even though they haven't been in my life that long.

I walk deeper into the woods and marvel at how beautiful it is. The trees form a beautiful canopy at the very top letting in a limited amount of sunshine that illuminates the place really well. Call me crazy but it looked magical like some thing that can only be found in stories.

The birds on the trees chirped happily and I could see a hare or two hopping from one bush to another. Awesome.

I was so engrossed in my walk and enjoying the environment that I didn't catch the russle of leaves nearby. Little did I know that that small action would forever change my views on .... everything.

I came to a small clearing I'm not sure whether I wanted to relish in everything at the moment or I was just lazy to continue walking but I sat down. Hmmm probably the latter.

And that is when I saw it. At first I wasn't sure with myself but after rubbing my eyes and double checking,I was sure that what I saw was quite right.

A wolf was lying on the ground whining softly that you could almost think you were imagining it and it was carefully hidden behind the bushes that you could miss it if not keen.

I began crawling towards it and when I was close enough, my eyes widened in panic. The poor animals guts were all out and its blood was dripping all over,the ground soaking it all up.

"Oh.....oh my gosh......what happened to you ......are you okay?" I rambled

The wolf just stared at me. Of course it's not okay it's literally dying infront of me.

"Okay....okay ....just uhhhhh hold on I'll try help" I said thinking of ways to help the poor over sized animal.

I say oversized since it was like twice the size of a normal wolf. The thing was gigantic but I had a soft spot for animals so I tried helping it out though my efforts proved to be futile.

I tried everything I could think of from applying pressure to the wound to trying to stop the bleeding by dabbing it up with leaves as a substitute for cotton but nothing was working.

"Don't die on me damnit! Just hold on" I screamed at the animals face getting frustrated at this point but all it did was stare some more at me before beginning to morph into something else.

Now before me was a fully naked woman with a big hole in her stomach smiling at me while blood dripped from her mouth.

I tumbled back and froze in place thinking what the hell just happened when she started speaking.

"Th...tha....thank you (cough blood) at l....l...least (cough) you tried" then she closed her eyes I was sure she was dead.

And ladies and gentlemen that was the last thing I saw before wait for it   I passed out.

I woke up with a start and my eyes began darting around the area I was in only to notice that I was no longer in the grassy greenland but in an all black room. Around me were Ray, mama Lily, Max, Lydia and Leon.

My memories began rushing back to me and tears began falling down my cheeks as I rembered the bloody wolf that turned human.

"R...ra...Ray it was bleeding and then it turned and...and ....I...I" I said in between sobs not being able to fully express myself. Man I must be a mess and seem weak compared to my usual self.

Ray was beside me in an instant and he pulled me into a hug to which I responded by holding on tight to him and crying my heart out.

"Shhhh don't cry Sami it was all a dream calm down"

"Wh.... What wasn't a dream I saw was a wolf and turned back to a human it also died I....I'm not lying Ray you gotta believe me" I cried out into his chest not believing a word he said. It happened for real and I know it.

"Sami you fell asleep on the couch an hour ago I...." Started Ray but mama Lily inerupted him.

"Ray I don't think you shou...."

"Mom it's okay she's fine it was just a dream" he said this time emphasising on the dream. It seemed like he was trying to comunicate a hidden message but I couldn't think much into it since I was so out of it and hysteric.

"Now Sami look at me" he said pulling me away from his chest and looking into his eyes which had significantly softened after looking into mine.

"Nothing happened your fine and nothing like wolves turning to humans exist understand. Your okay I got you."

I wanted to believe him so bad but my gut was telling me not to and instead of voicing my thoughts, I wordlessly nodded my head and once again leaned into his embrace taking the time to look at everyone before me.

They all had guilty looks on their faces and immediately looked away when they made eye contact with me and bowed their heads their necks showing. They somehow looked like they were submitting to me. Strange.

I looked up to see Ray also looking at me in concern, regret and guilt.

Okay what is going on.

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