Chapter 2

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Raymond's POV



Was the annoying sound of my alarm that woke me up. I turned off the blasted contraption and got up making my way towards the bathroom. To be honest, I hate everything that has to do with mornings and why you ask, because mornings are when most people wake up next to their mates and get ready for the day together while others wake up next to a cold bed with nothing or rather no one to look forward to spending the day with.

If you haven't guessed it yet, let me spell it out for you I-AM-MATELESS ....better?   Now I'm sure you are wondering why I'm so bitter about it, well that's cause a normal wolf finds their mate when they first shift at age sixteen but three years later and i am still looking for my mate. I think that's a good enough reason to be bitter but for some odd reason, my wolf is restless which is unlike him since we are always on the same page.

Anyways enough of my self loathing. After taking that quick shower, I got dressed and made my way downstairs to have breakfast before going to school. Now before you judge, i am the alpha to the Blue moon pack and as alpha, I had to undergo training before I was considered fit to rule so I had missed a year of school and I had to repeat a grade to catch up.

Initially, I was supposed to take over after completing school but my father the previous alpha, was killed by rouges while out on a run which made me next in line for the title as i was the first born child.

As I neared the kitchen, a mouth watering scent filled my nose and right on cue, my stomach growled. I increased my pace and entering the kitchen, I saw my mother behind the island making breakfast while my brother was practically bouncing up and down in his seat waiting to be served. Now for those of you who have mothers, you know very well how good they cook and just like my brother, I took my seat and waited eagerly to be served.

"Good morning Ray?" my mother greeted purposely using my nickname which by the way i hated being called.

"I'm too hungry to be bothered by you not calling me Raymond mother." I answered back while eying the food being served on my plate.

"Fine then. Dig in."

I didn't need to be told twice as I immediately pigged out savoring the taste of my mothers food. I don't think there is anyone who can physically be able to beat my mother in cooking.

After scuffing down the food  like the cavemen that we are, my brother and I thanked our mother and after a quick goodbye, made our way to my car and I drove us to school.

The closer I got to school the more anxious both my wolf and I felt.

"Dude are you okay, you seem tense is there a breach through our boarders?" my brother asked his beta mode activating.

"No there is no breach my wolf and I are just anxious for some reason"

"Oh, what if its your mate?" he asked smirking.

my hands tightened on the steering wheel and unlike everyday where i would have thrown him a snarky comment or teased him back, I kept quiet focusing on the road which led to a comfortable silence between us two, my brother obviously thinking that he was successful in irritating me.

We got to the school grounds and after parking, we made our way towards the double doors of the school. Immediately after setting foot into the school hallways, a mouthwatering scent of fresh rain with a hint of vanilla invaded my nostrils. Sure it was faint, but it was still able to make my wolf howl in pleasure and delight.

For the mean time, I ignored the weird feelings that scent invoked in me and made my way towards my locker where my gamma Leon and his mate Lydia were waiting for me. They are the only people apart from my brother who I trusted with my life since childhood.

I casually leaned against my locker while listening to my brother and Lydia bickering over video games, wrestling and such. Lydia is kind of a tomboy which is why she finds these kinds of topics fascinating unlike most girls I have met. Not trying to be sexist by the way.

The mouthwatering scent hit me once again but this time, it seemed like it was getting closer and soon enough, I found out where it was coming from. Opposite me was a girl with her back turned to me but just from that profile, I could tell how beautiful she was. She had full curves and her kinky hair was put up into a top knot.

As if she could feel my burning gaze, she turned around and faced me and just then, I felt like the whole world had stopped as i stared into those chocolate brown eyes like we were the only two people standing in the hallway, and the one word that I thought my wolf would never utter was finally howled at the back of my mind. MATE.

The trance we were in was broken when my mate broke the eye contact and began making her way to me. Once she was close enough, she stopped right in front of me and I immediately straightened up while Lydia, my brother and practically everyone else in the hallway became quiet while watching the scene in front of them unfold.

"Quick question, do i look like a celebrity?" she asked

"What?" I asked already falling in love with her beautiful voice.

"I asked whether i look like a celebrity since you keep looking at me which by the way is making me uncomfortable" she deadpanned while everyone else awaited my reply.

"I-uh- I was" I stuttered which was very unlike me. If it was anyone else, I would have had already put them in their place. but this was my mate. She already had me wrapped around her little finger and she did not even know it.

"What cat got your tongue" she asked amusement leaking into her voice but instead of letting me get a word in, she continued "Look dude i know im the new girl and everything but that does not mean that you can openly stare at me like some creep its just rude. If you want something come up to me an talk to me like an actual person otherwise keep your eyes to your self and if not, trust me when i say that i will claw them out with my bare hands" she said in all seriousness  leaving me stunned.

"I guess i was right you really have met your mate" my brother snickered and walked away heading towards the classroom.

After getting over my initial shock, I followed my brother to class thinking of how fierce my mate was. She would make the perfect Luna. My little spitfire.

I got to class and as always, mister Bradford had to start with the role call which took up about five minutes and just as I was about to zone out, that familiar scent hit me again and not a second later, the door opened to reveal my mate in all her wonderful glory taking in the sight of the classroom.

Once her eyes landed on me, they lingered for a while before Mr Bradford rudely interrupted us by calling out her name. To say that I was not angry would be an understatement, I felt like ripping out his throat but since there were a few humans in the classroom not to mention my mate, I couldn't do it.

She was directed to seat next to my brother Max and to some degree i was happy since it was not some random male and Max already knew we were mates.

For the first half of the lesson, she tried ignoring Max but since he is a pest that you can never get rid of, she acknowledge him which led to an entire conversation in which she laughed to many of his jokes and to be honest, it made me jealous that at some point, I growled low enough for only were's to hear.

Once the bell rang, I immediately left the classroom not ready to face her just yet and the last thing I heard was her accepting an invitation to seat with us at lunch.

Surely this ought to be an interesting lunch.

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