Hungry eyes

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I let out a low hum as I sink more into the fluffy bubbles of the water, warmth radiation from the liquid and steam filling the bathroom with plenty of condensation.
It's like a sauna in here.

My body has stopped shaking since the front door incident, I was unstable to say the least; Phil ran me a bath and here I am.

I can smell food so I think he's cooking. Ha, can't wait to see how that turns out.

It's so quiet whenever I have a bath, just the echoes of splashing water can be heard along with the slight fizzing of the bubbles.

What happened earlier I can't explain. I knew someone was watching us, I could feel their eyes burning into the back of my head like lasers scanning my brain.
Then when someone crashed into the door... I'm not going to lie to myself. I'm scared.
Even after everything i am still terrified of the world around me. The slightest glance from a stranger, the smallest, sudden movement from anyone and I'm already planning my funeral.

The only place in the world I feel safe and the only person I trust- do I even need to say his name?
Phil makes me feel accepted and wanted. It was the same before we got kidnapped.

Who couldn't feel safe around him?
Everything from the way he crinkles his nose, flicks his fringe, adjusts his glasses and even when he laughs his whole face compacts and his little tongue pokes out every now and then. Phil wouldn't hurt a moth.

Three taps at the door makes me open my eyes, taking a few seconds to adjust to the steam.
"Knock, knock," Phil sings, pushing the door open slightly.
I smile but also sink more into the water so not to expose myself too much. Luckily the bubbles help.

He pokes his head around and I wave. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Much better." I reply with a happy sigh.
Phil leans down by the side of the bath, his arms resting on the edge as his chin props against them.
With him this close and with me at such a vulnerable state of exposure, you can't blame me for being a little embarrassed.

"That's good." He says, staring at my face.
I splash bubbles at him, making his face scrunch up and hands flap around. "What was that for?!"

I laugh and flick his nose. "Stop staring at me like I'm a jewel of high expense!" I reply, crossing my arms.

Phil just rolls his eyes and wipes his face with the towel hung on the radiator. "You may not be a jewel but you're my jewel." He muffles into the fabric.
His eyes peep over and I flip my middle finger at him.

"Why are you in here anyway?" I question sitting up a little.

Phil places his hand on his chest and throws the towel over his head in over exaggeration. "Am I not aloud to see my own boyfriend when he's not feeling well?" His bottom lip pops forward into a pout, making me shake my head.

"I'm fine you twat. I am now anyway. Stop pouting, you look adorable and it's not a good look for me to squeal." It's only after I say this that I notice the bubbles have nearly all disappeared into the water. "Ah! Get out you pervert!" I exclaim and turn away so my back is to him.

Phil bursts out laughing but still doesn't move, making my cheeks red from both the steam and embarrassment.

His hands then start massaging my shoulders, making my body stiffen and breath to hitch in my throat.
"P-Phil. What are you doing?" I question, frozen from any movements.

"You're so cute when you're nervous." He giggles, digging his fingers right into the muscle.

It does feel so good but this isn't the best place for him to do it.

"Phil stop, I want to get out." I request sternly. His hands leave immediately and he leaves a second later.
A twist of guilt rolls in my stomach but I soon shake it off, he knows I don't like this sort of contact when I'm exposed... doesn't he?
"Wait, Phil!"

"Yeah?" His head pops around the corner again.

"Love you." He smiles and chuckles.

"Love you too, hurry up and get out, and don't touch the straighteners!" He calls whilst waking away.

I do as he says and wrap the towel around me, the water dripping from the ends of my hair and on to my cheeks.
I head down the hallway and into my bedroom, drying myself off before slipping into some sweat pants and a baggy shirt.
A pout lands on my lips as I look at my head of waves.
"Stupid Phil and his stupid smile." I mutter.

The sound of the door bell makes my head spin towards the hallway, I hear Phil make his way down the stairs which immediately causes me to sprint after him.
I nearly fall down the stairs and actually miss the last step, sending my body flying forward, only to be caught by a set of arms.

"You really need to be more careful," I look up at the voice and widen my eyes when seeing it's not Phil but Pj. "Are you alright?"
I stand up and brush myself off.

"Erm yeah, I'm fine, thanks."
Phil then appears behind him with Chris.
"Oh you're both here." I mumble.

It's not that I don't want them here it's just that I don't want them here right now. I'm tired and just want cuddles. This is why I don't have many friends.

Phil smiles at me and gestures the two upstairs. "Make yourselves at home guys, we'll be up in a second." He informs.

Chris and Pj nod and race each other up the stairs, shoving one another and laughing.
I groan and lean against the wall, frowning over towards Phil who has a eyebrow raised at me. "Phil, I'm not in the mood to socialise."

He chuckles and closes the door. "Come on Dan, they're our friends."

"So? I don't care if they're the bloody queen. I don't want to talk to anyone." I huff and cross my arms.

"So you don't want to talk to me then?" He questions.

"Besides you."

"Same with you Daniel." I smile and bite my lip.

"Awe I feel special!" I exclaim in a high pitched voice.

Phil kisses my nose and moves a piece of my hair. "You are."
"Now stop being a child, come on." He then tugs me along with my hand but I retaliate by falling on the stairs. "Dan, stop it."

I moan into the carpet and wriggle so that I slide down. "Never."

"No more kisses for you." I widen my eyes and jolt up the stairs, leaving him behind and yet also leaving an iron taste in my mouth once I reach the top.
"Now I know how to get you up in the morning." Phil smirks.

I smack his arm and scowl. "Shut up." I cough.

A crash then comes from the living room making Phil and I share a glance before rushing in.
We can't leave those two for five minutes before they destroy everything.

Our brows furrow when we see Chris is covered in books from the shelf and is some how budged in between the wall and sofa space.
Whilst Pj is just stood there with his hand pressed firmly to his face as he shakes his head.

"I hate you." I mumble to Phil. He shrugs with a smile. "We need to alphabetise them again now."

"Friends, hi! Little help." Chris groans.

Oh joy. What a fun and interesting evening this is going to be.

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