Epilogue (Is that what its called idk)

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✖️Four months later✖️

"Phil stop trying to twerk, you will never be Miley Cyrus!" I shout from the kitchen, walking around the corner as I had been summoned by the music of 'We Can't Stop' and I'm sure we all know what that means.

Ever since twerking has become a 'thing' apparently Phil says that he has the power to twerk. Yep okay.

I enter the living room with a packet of Doritos that I was originally getting for us, but I find it completely empty.
I then turn around to find Phil with his coat on. Its pitch black outside why on earth has he got a coat on?

"What's with the outfit?" I question, raising an eyebrow.
He just chuckles be chucks me my coat.

"We're going on the roof. I want to get the best view of the fireworks." He exclaims happily. I roll my eyes but of course put the coat on anyway.

It's New Year's Eve which means that there going to be a hell of a lot of fireworks and a whole lot of sex for people around the world.
It's true.

Now Phil and I have lived with each other long enough to go through countless New Years but for some odd reason he's particularly excited about tonight. He all giggly and touchy and it's weird.
Okay Phil's a touchy person anyway but he's being a full blown pervert tonight.

I zip up my coat and take my phone because I need good pictures of the fireworks.
Also Phil. Maybe.

"Come on Dan we only have five minutes!" He whines and tugs me out the door with my hand.
I can't help but laugh as he pulls us all the way to the roof, his legs tripping every now and then but he quickly regains his posture.

We finally reach the top and Phil grins as we see the London eye.
It is bloody freezing though!
"Jesus Phil, couldn't we have just watched from the window or on the TV like normal peasants?" I question, shivering.
He rolls his eyes and stands closer to me which doesn't help considering I'm taller than him.

Big Ben starts to ring, counting down to New Years. The counting of people can be heard all across from the centre of London. Phil takes my hand in his and quietly counts down from ten.

The whole year flashes before me. The beginning of the year not being as exciting but then the kidnapping comes to mind, and then falling in love with Phil and the last four months.
Everything has been a little crazy but the year has ended on a good note.

I keep my eyes fixed on Phil until the numbers reach zero. He turns to me and smiles warmly, making me forget that I was even cold.
I lean down and press my lips firmly to his; his arms wrapping around my neck and his feet having to lift up a little. My arms are snaked around his waist as I pull him closer.

Bangs and explosions make us pull apart but as Phil turns to the fireworks I continue staring at him.
He tilts his head and grins. "Dan you're missing the beautiful fireworks." He informs tapping my nose.

I smile and peck his lips again. "I don't need no fireworks. I already have my own beautiful firework." I whisper.

Even though it's dark I can tell that Phil is blushing. It's been for months into our relationship and we still both blush like mad whenever we compliment one another. He nudges my arm and shakes his head.
"You're so cheesy. When did you start turning into a hopeless romantic?" He questions, glancing to the fireworks which I'm sure are amazing but... not quite as amazing as Phil.

"When I met you. You sap." I reply, nudging him back.

He smiles at the ground with his fringe falling along side. His hand skims along his stomach and he sighs.
"I can't believe it's been four months." He whispers, looking into the city of London.
I huff and stand behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder.
"Oi, get off, I'm the male of this relationship!" He growls and tries to wriggle out of my grasp.

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