Collateral damage

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Phil and I arrive home about an hour and a half later, and it's still there!
Who would have thought it?

I really need more faith in my friends.

I keep remembering about what happened at the bus stop with that women, Phil was so scared and affected by her words, but then when her daughter spoke it's like he gained a new sense of confidence. Just the way he spoke to her and hugged her and watched as she walked away.
Phil has never seem like a person to want kids but maybe he does and I've never noticed?

But if he does want kids he can't have that with me. It's never going to happen if he stays with me.

I'm knocked out of my day dream as Phil opens our front door. It's quiet.
Although I speak too soon because as we walk up the stairs I hear singing and banging.
Phil turns to me and raises an eyebrow before opening the door.
We widen our eyes at Chris and Pj lounging on the sofa with beer bottles in their hands.

"Woah look Peej, they came back, I told you they would come back!" Chris slurrs, smiling crookedly up at us.
Pj snorts and giggles into the pillows of the sofa, uncontrollably squirming around and nearly choking.

"Okay what the hell happened whilst we were out?" I question, walking over to Chris and taking the beer bottle from him which causes his to stand up and puff out his chest.

"Aye whacha think you're doin' laddie'? Get lost and get you're own drink kay'?" He exclaims in a Scottish accent.
I look at the bottle and point to it.

"This is ours anyway." I inform, making Pj giggle even more towards Phil who is trying to calm him down but is ending up by laughing himself. "Phil you're not helping!" I exclaim.

He covers his mouth and grins. "Sorry, Pj is hilarious." Pj makes a face of 'awe' and leans on Phil's shoulder.

"Aw Phil you're so- so, um... curly! Wait are you the curly one or is that- oh no! The curly ones Dan, oh no I got it wrong!" Pj exclaims and hides into Phil.
Chris scoffs and points to him with a shaky hand.

"Feel the shame you whore!" He yells, leaning forward until Chris falls off the sofa and lands on his face.

"Ha, you just faced on your fell!" Pj hiccups, snuggling into Phil.
I shake my head and roll my eyes at the scene. Phil isn't helping since he's just a giggling mess and both Pj and Chris are pissed.

Who even gets drunk at a friends house when they go out?
Oh wait we're talking about Chris and Pj here, oh course they would search through our cupboards and drink all our beer whilst we were both out.

"Right come on," I speak up and start trying to lift Chris from the floor. "I'll take you into the guest room, Phil you take Peej." I instruct.
Phil nods and contains his laughter whilst attempting to support Pj.

We both lead them to our guest room, Chris hanging off me like a monkey and swinging his legs, causing me to struggle with supporting him.
Where as Phil is doing fine with Pj who is just giggling uncontrollably, which even I have to admit is pretty funny.
I place Chris down on our sofa bed, Phil placing Pj down after.

"Okay, just try and sleep." Phil says, covering them both with a blanket.

"I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep cause I miss you Dan, and I don't wanna miss you Phil!" Chris sings loudly, waving around his hands which accidentally smacks Pj in the face.

"Ow, you asshole." Pj groans and rolls over so he's on his back. Chris rolls over too but so he's led over Pj, his eyes are closed and soon small snores are arising from both of them.

Phil and I laugh quietly and sneak out, shutting the door behind us.
He chuckles into his hand and walks back into the living.
I smile and follow him, watching as he sits down and turns on the TV.

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