Opposite day

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It's been three days since me and Phil had been taken from our preferably normal lives, to stay in this small room to be beaten and forced to lay in fear.
Phil untied my hands from the wall, which gave me the smallest sense of freedom.

You see when you're left in a small space, the tiniest bit of unrestricted movement can make all the difference.

Today is a new day and the next punishment is due.
I'm going to take it.
I don't care what Phil says, he's taken all the beatings so far and I can't explain how horrible it is to see your best friend being broken in front of you.

He's led on my lap right now.

Phil. Phil Lester. Amazingphil.
My Phil.
I don't like to label things and it's hard when you share an apartment with someone but for some reason I can't help but label Phil as 'my phil'.

We've gone on dates before with other people but I just didn't feel the amount of happiness with any of them, that I do with him.
I could live with Phil forever. I really could.

Looking at him now, he's scratched and bruised, but still strong.
My hand naturally plays with his hair as my other one intertwines with his fingers.
My eyes gaze over his face.
Even now, in this state, he's so beautiful.

I've never not denied that Phil is beautiful. I tell him all the time. He usually reacts by blushing and giggling slightly before shaking it off and denying it.

Phil's had it tough. So have I.
Our school years were defiantly not the best for either of us.
I just wish that I could have been there when he would hide and cry from the bullies...

"Ow!" Phil suddenly says and I realise that I accidentally poked him in the eye whilst playing with his hair.

We both chuckle and he looks up at me with a small smile. "Sorry." I softly say.

"No problem." He replies in a low whisper.
We just continue to smile sweetly to each other, my hand running through his hair again. Phil notice our intertwined hands and squeezes his around mine.

The door then slams open, making us both jump in fright.
Why did they have to ruin such a nice moment?

Toad walks in with Rat following. They notice my untied hands and then look at Phil.
They're thinking of a way to hurt both of us, I know it.

I take this opportunity and speak up. "I'll take the punishment today." Phil whips his head up at me, sitting up from my lap and glaring at me with wide eyes.

Rat smirks and takes a sandwich out of his pocket. Toad then takes a drink out of his pocket and passes it to Rat.
Both of Phil and I's bellies rumble and growl, begging for some food that we've been starved from over the last few days.

"Dan, here." Toad instructs.
As I slowly get up I take note that both Rat and Toad are in charge. There's not just one overall leader.

I stand infront of Toad and he raises his hand. I close my eyes and wait for the impact, but instead a packet is placed in my hands.
I open my eyes to see the sandwich and drink in my hands.

"Enjoy your meal, boy. Shame your boyfriend won't be getting any." Rat cackles.
Before I can rebel, he grabs me and pulls out some chains from his pocket. He chains me to the wall but not so much that I can't still eat the food.
Toad then also chains Phil to the wall.

"Wait this isn't right, Phil should get the food, not me!" I exclaim, kicking the food and drink away from me.
The drink rolls over to Phil but Toad kicks it back to me.

Rat bends down and pats my head like a dog. "Happy Opposite Day, pal."
Toad then punches Phil, smirking at me before gesturing Rat to leave.

What little bastards.
How could they do that?! I was ready to put up with the punishment but instead I get food!

"Phil, here," I kick the drink over to him.
He looks at it and then kicks it back.
"What are you doing? Take the damn drink." I scold.

"Dan I can't move. They've chained me up tight." He replies.
Tears start to work their way into my eyes and I start thrashing and kicking in frustration.

"Fuck!" I growl.
Phil just watches me. I do this sometimes at home if I get annoyed.
I lay on the ground and just wriggle about, swearing at everything.
I even shouted at Phil's lion once and then at my toothbrush.

"Dan, calm down." He soothes.
I start sobbing vigorously. Hanging my head.

I glance to the food and drink before kicking them both out of either of of our reaches.

"Don't, Phil. If you're not going to eat then neither am I." After my words, Phil smiles and tries to make a heart shape with his hands.
I do the action back.

The one thing that's really hurting me right now, is not the hunger, or the cold.
It's the fact that I'm not near Phil.

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