"What do you want?"

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Draco had a firm hold of Harry's wrist, his body pressed against him.

He looked at Harry with an expression that conveyed silent words:

'No escaping now.'

Saying it made Harry nervous, would be an understatement.

"Well?" He asked expectantly.

"I- Erm..." Merlin, why is he so close?  Harry let out a shaky breath and tried to push him away. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Malfoy..."

Draco smirked at him, and Harry realised why. His hand was trailing down Harry's chest, edging lower, towards his waistband.

"Funny isn't it?"

Harry refused to look him in the eyes as he answered, "What is?"

By now Draco's hand was pulling gently at the band of Harry's jeans, his smirk growing even wider. Then he slipped his fingers into them and pulled the soft fabric of the boxers.

He knows...

Chuckling in a too serious manner for someone who is laughing, he used his other hand to lift Harry's chin up. There was no avoiding eye contact now.

"It's funny," he looked down at the green material between his thumb and finger, "how these are the exact same colour as mine...Harry."

HARRY??? ERM. Since when is that a thing.

Harry swallowed heavily.

Fuck he's so close. Oh, Merlin... I'm actually going to die.

"Probably just a coincidence Harry whispered. He wasn't sure why he was whispering. It might have been the feeling of Draco's cold hands slowly rubbing against his bare skin that took all the breath away. It might have been the closeness and how he felt absolutely consumed in Draco Malfoy which meant he couldn't talk normally.

So when Draco said his next words in a whisper too, Harry knew he was screwed. He was too close. Not just physically, but Harry knew Malfoy. Even if they hadn't talked a lot... he knew him. And this was too close.

"That would be the case," he leaned right next to Harry's ear. "Except, my boxers weren't in my room when I checked this morning." The feeling of him brushing his lips over Harry's ear made him shiver. Literally, he shivered and shook his head frantically. A poor attempt to rid his mind of all the thoughts cascading through it.

Stick to the plan.

"So, I'll ask again," this time he moved his head right in front of Harry. The hand that was on Harry's jaw, now at the side of his neck. "How many times do I have to tell you not to steal?"

When Harry didn't answer, Draco tried again. "Were you that desperate for my attention?"

He's just guessing. He obviously doesn't know you like him and wanted to tell him.

But the way Harry's eyes glanced at Malfoy's lips every few seconds, gave away the truth behind his evasiveness. It gave Draco a pretty good idea of what Harry was thinking.

He moved impossibly closer to the slightly trembling Harry. "Because you have my attention now, Harry. So..." as he talked his lips almost brushed Harry's. "What do you want?"

Harry. He called me Harry...again.

Too flustered and idiotic to care, Harry abandoned the plan to talk to Draco first, and instead grabbed Malfoy by the tie, closing the minuscule gap between them.

I hate you, Harry thought, as he moved his lips on Draco's.

Draco's hands moved to Harry's hips and pressed him further into the wall.

This is what he wanted. He wanted Harry to kiss him. And he couldn't let Harry know that. After all, Harry was only doing this to tease him... surely that was it.

Still, the feeling of warm lips against his own was beyond comprehension.

Breakfast will be over in a minute... someone will see, Harry thought.

Apparently, Draco had the same idea, as just when Harry had slipped his tongue into his mouth, Draco moved back.

He looked at Harry, who was breathless and red, pink lips wet. His face probably looked the same but he didn't care. Draco was only focused on the beating in his chest, more rapid than ever before.

After a few moments, he moved back towards Harry again, took his hand in his own and dragged him along the corridor.

Holy. Mother. Of. Wow. He's holding my hand. My hand! What... get a hold of yourselfffffff. Idiot.

Harry didn't say anything. He gathered where they were going and was too paralysed from the kiss to talk... even though that's what they should be doing. Talking.

What if this is just only some fun for him? What if he doesn't really care? What if he only kissed me back because I kissed him first, not because he wanted to? What if he breaks my heart? Should ai not leave now before I get too-

He was cut off by a pair of lips on his and realised they were hidden safely in the Room of Requirement. Harry let himself relax a little into the kiss he didn't want it to end because of his worrying.

He wound his hands in the blonde tufts above him and smiled gently.

Stupid soft hair. Merlin, I hate him.

Draco moved his hands back down to the top of Harry's jeans and hesitated a little. He pulled back from the kiss and looked right into Harrys eyes. They were still so close.

His eyes aren't grey, they're... almost silver. Silver like him.

Harry glanced down to his still-cold hands and back up into the silver pools. "Please," he whispered.

Not wanting to waste another second in heaven, he rejoined their lips and melted against Draco- whose hands were now undoing the jeans.

On fire didn't even compare to how Harry was feeling as hands brushed against him, lips changing from neck to face in a never-ending game of Back-and-Forth.

Shirts were removed and Harry felt slightly exposed. It wasn't warm in the room, and now he was stood in nothing but the stolen boxers. Lips were still on his, but he needed more. He needed reassurance.

As if sensing this, Draco moved a hand up and stroked his cheek gently, tracing fingers along Harry's lips. "I never told you this, but you look good in them."

"Good in what?" Harry blushed at the compliment.

"My clothes."

He just... complimented me?

The thought made Harry fizz with happiness. Draco thought he looked good.

Harry pulled him back in.

"Especially in these," Draco mumbled, running a hand over the only remaining material on Harry.

Aching for warmth, he wrapped his arms around Harry and listened to the sighs as he touched Harry gently.

This wasn't like last time. It wasn't a feverish desire. There was something Harry didn't want to think of. It was almost as if Draco cared more now. Well, cared full stop.

No... don't go there. Don't go imagining things that could never be true.

Harry moaned softly as Draco's lips found his neck once more.

So much for fucking talking.

If Harry thought that just kissing Draco was heaven, this was something divine.

Nothing compared to the feeling of Malfoy.

"It started off as fun and games, but there's always been something more there. It could never be meaningless. Not to either of them"

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