"So, atleastletmetakeyouonadatefirst,"

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Okay, so this chapter's like 140 words because it's a filler chapter and I only needed it to move along the storyline. Sorry, it's this short.

"So does this mean you'll be my boyfriend?"

Saying that out loud sounds so extremely weird.

"Merlin, Harry! We barely know each other. Not really..."

Harry tried not to let it, but his face fell as Draco said those words.

Seeing this, Draco continued his sentence, "So, atleastletmetakeyouonadatefirst," he rushed.

Harry sat up again, staring at Draco with wide eyes. "Seriously?"

Draco sighed at the disbelief which tainted his voice. "Do you really think I'd joke about it?"

Harry thought for a moment and then spoke. "Okay."

"Okay, what?"

"I'll go on a date with you," Harry smiled.

"Yeah?" Now it was Draco's turn to look unsure, wondering if Harry really wanted this.

"Yeah!" He leaned down and kissed Draco softly. "I would really, really, like that."


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