"I want it returned by midnight."

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He walked in next to Ron, fiddling with the neck of the jumper. As they reached Gryffindor table, Ginny was the only one to comment on Harry's appearance. "Nice jumper, Harry."

"Thanks." 8th years were also permitted to wear their own clothes. At least it made playing the jumper off as his easier for Harry.

Harry sat down and tried not to look up at the Slytherin table. The last thing he wanted was for Malfoy to notice what he was wearing.

But Draco had already been watching. From the moment Harry walked through the door, his attention was set on him.

Harry lost concentration on his food and found his eyes trailing around the table. His head lifted up a little. He scanned the opposite tables instead and a flash of blond came into view.

Harry locked eyes with Malfoy.

It was hard to tell what he was thinking. Malfoy's expression was unreadable. He stared straight at Harry as if boring into his soul. The thought made Harry shiver.

The strange movement made Draco's stare intensify. Then he looked down at the jumper.

Harry gulped as Draco looked away, not a flicker of emotion on his face.

I'm in for it.

After breakfast, Harry started walking out to the lake. He had a free period and seen as the weather was nice, decided to spend it outside. Draco hadn't followed him out of the Great Hall, letting Harry assume he was off the hook.

For now.

He was stood leaning against a tree, staring out over the water. The trees in the distance were still even though there was a slight breeze. The sky pressing warmth against his skin. Harry felt very at peace by the lake.

The next thing he knew, someone was behind him.

A hand grabbed his wrist to stop him from moving. "I think you have something that belongs to me, Potter."

Harry's breathing increased as Malfoy whispered against his neck. "So what if I do?"

"I want it returned by midnight. Back to where it belongs."

Harry thought for a moment before responding, Malfoy's grip still tight on his wrist, his body too close to Harry's. "And what if I don't? I kind of like it," he teased.

Harry turned his head slightly to the side to where Malfoy's face was. He felt Malfoy's other hand creep around his waist and pull at the hem of the jumper. "Then..." Malfoy moved his head up a little so his lips were by Harry's ear. "I'll just have to take it off you myself."

Harry let out a small sigh as Draco pushed a little closer to him.

Before Harry could comprehend it, Draco loosened the grip on Harry's wrist. He walked away.

Ah, crap.

Harry shook himself off, trying to shake the impact that Draco had on him out of his head. Checking he wasn't dreaming, he sighed again. Malfoy had just been that close to you... Merlin...

Harry refused to let himself re-live the moment again. He had a decision to make.

Return it by midnight... or not?

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