"Fireflies ."

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The stars shone brightly in the sky as Harry walked down to the lake. It was only eight in the evening, but the winter sunset meant that his surroundings were shadowed.

Draco Malfoy likes me back.

The thought hadn't left Harry's head for a second since the other day.

Harry turned the corner and walked over to the lake. There was a clearing of trees at the edge of the water that Draco had asked to meet at. He kept walking until he started to see some light coming from a patch of grass.

Harry stopped.

Stood in the clearing was a nervous Draco. His face was lit up by a thousand tiny lights. Harry moved closer and realised that they weren't tiny lights. They buzzed and moved around.

"Fireflies," Draco said.

Harry stared at him in awe. "How did you..." he turned around gazing at the beautiful dots whizzing past him.

"I used an attraction spell. They won't leave this area 'till I reverse it."


Then he looked at Draco and noticed he was stood by a blanket. Draco saw Harry looking and shuffled forward. "I thought we could have this date outside. There's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight."

"Sounds perfect," Harry whispered.

Draco moved closer, leaned in and met lips with lips. When they pulled away, Harry's normally green eyes were reflected with gold.

He's perfect, Draco thought.

Grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to the blanket on the floor. The clouds in the sky moved and Harry had never seen something so amazing. Millions of stars filled the sky and flickered.

The boys looked at each other and smiled. Harry moved closer as Draco lifted a hand. "See this one here," he moved to point at a big glowing star. It was the brightest one there.


"That's the North star," he said. "You can see it from anywhere in the world. Sailors would use it to guide them on long voyages."

Harry glanced at Draco's free hand and wrapped his around it "I'm glad someone pays attention in astrology, or we'd be lost."

They spent an hour lying there, laughing and eating (Draco came prepared with chocolate and cake- Harry's favourites) until they were freezing from the cold air.

"We should probably get back," Draco said.

"Yeah," Harry turned to look at him. "I had a really good time."

Draco moved closer. "Me too."

He flicked his wand and the fireflies disappeared. Then he leaned over and kissed Harry's cheek. "This is our place now."

"You want to claim everything, huh?"

Draco laughed, "Of course." Then he spoke again, "I want you to be mine as well, Potter."

Harry thought for a moment and then smiled. "I'm so sorry, but I'm already someone's."

Draco's face fell a little. "You are?"

Harry couldn't help but smile even more at the sou d of Draco's voice. And I thought I was the stupid one. "Yep. You might know him actually."


"Uh-huh," Harry turned and looked at Draco in the eyes. "He's got blonde hair, permanently wearing his signature scowl, dusty-silver eyes, and walks around like he owns the place. Totally an idiot by the way. Heard of him?"

Draco sighed with relief and joined Harry in smiling. "He sounds like a lucky guy."

Harry shuffled right up next to him and rested his head on Draco's shoulder. They sit looking out over the bright lake, the sky reflecting galaxies in their eyes.

"Yeah, well... I'm luckier," Harry whispered.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Always a competition."

"Only for you, Malfoy."


I would just like to say a massive thank you to anyone who has read this story so far. You have no idea how much it means to me.

This was the first fan-fiction that I published on Wattpad, so the way I wrote Harry in this is very over exaggerative compared to what I actually wanted him to be like. But oh well. I think it makes his reactions to Draco even funnier, and this was never meant to be a serious story anyway. (I came up with the idea and ran to tell one of my friends who said I should write it, so I did.)

I hope you enjoyed reading Stolen and much as I did writing it:)

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