"Remember what happens if you don't."

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Instead of telling Hermione what had happened and ask for her advice, Harry decided to keep it to himself.

He knew she would tell him not to return the jumper. Maybe just to see if Malfoy was a man of his word, maybe to see if Harry could go through with it. After all, it was Ron and her who gave him the dare in the first place.

Yet Harry didn't need to question whether Malfoy had bluffed or not.

Later in the common room, Harry was sat on the sofa looking at his Quidditch book, when he felt a familiar presence behind him.

"Time's ticking, Potter."

Harry turned around and rolled his eyes at Malfoy. It seemed to creep up behind people was his thing and he was now stood a few inches closer to the sofa than Harry would have liked "Back by midnight. I know." He was putting up a confident front in an attempt to show Malfoy that he didn't hold so much power over Harry as he actually did.

Except even as Harry sat up a little straighter and settled his breathing, he still couldn't help the strange feeling in his stomach as he locked eyes with Draco.

Malfoy stared at him. "Remember what happens if you don't." Draco had moved closer now. So close that he was practically leaning over Harry. His hand reached out and stroked the soft fabric on Harry's chest.

For a moment Harry forgot how to breathe again. And then Malfoy smirked and moved away.


I hate him.

Harry turned his attention not back to his book, but to the ticking clock on the wall.

Three hours until midnight. Three hours until I'm meant to have returned the jumper...

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