"I know."

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Draco was avoiding him. Harry was sure of it.

If they're ever in the same corridor Draco walked the other way.

In the same class, Draco ignored Harry, who so desperately stared at him, hoping to form some sort of communication.

After two (very unsuccessful) days of trying to get Malfoy by himself so he could question him, Harry left class and huffed onto the red plush sofa of the Gryffindor common room.

He liked Draco.

There was no denying it.

You can't really go from not talking to someone, to then having two very intense, hot moments with them because of a dare, and not catch feelings.


"So, why are you saying 'fuck' really aggressively?"

Shit. I'd said that out loud.


Hermione sat opposite him and opened the book she was holding, indicating she wouldn't press the subject.

"Hermione... I..." Harry stopped, playing over what he was about to tell her.

Hermione sat up and turned the page of her book showing Harry that she was listening.

"Mione, I think I might be..."

She still didn't move but muttered the words, "You think you might be what?"

He took a deep breath and tried to say it as confidently as he could, yet it came out as no louder than a whisper.

"Gay." He looked at her quickly before saying it again. "I'm gay."

Hermione didn't move. She didn't even look up. "I know."

This was certainly not how he thought she'd react.

"What do you mean 'you know' ?"

"Harry," she sighed, "Not only did you spend the whole of sixth year stalking a boy-"

"He was a Deatheater!"

She glared at him for interrupting her. "-but you also have been spending an awful lot of time checking guys out over the years."

That was true and so Harry looked at her horrified. "It is that obvious?"

"You forget how long I've known you for." Harry sighed in agreement. "Plus, I've seen the way you look at him."

Now Harry was confused. "Excuse me?"

This time she put the book down and look directly at Harry. It was pretty intimidating. "Draco. You always end up gazing at him, especially recently. I'm guessing it had something to do with taking his sweater?"

"Merlin, you're too clever for your own good, Hermione." Harry started playing with the hem of his hoodie. "And yes it does. We um... kinda made out."

She clapped her hands together and jumped forward to hug Harry. "See, I told you nothing bad would happen didn't I?"

"But this is bad!" Harry pushed her away lightly and buried his face in his hands. "Now he won't even look at me. Which is weird because after we kissed, I stole his jeans and he took them back again, yet now after that, he's been avoiding me."

Hermione looked deep in thought.

"I just need to ask him if he feels anything towards me-"

Now she cut in. "Harry, I doubt Draco Malfoy would be kissing you for no reason. He was the one who came to you remember. If he wanted his clothes so bad he could have just hexed you and taken them."

Harry realised how true this was and a tiny fizzle of hope emerged. "Maybe he just changed since the war and he just doesn't want to hurt people anymore?"

"Well, that doesn't mean he wants to kiss all his enemies. You can be so thick sometimes."

"This is why I want to talk to him. But I've tried every way possible."

A silence settled over the two and Harry could practically hear Hermione's brain whirring away, trying to figure out an answer to Harry's problem.

"Actually... not every way."

Harry glanced at her, confused once again

"You said that both times you took something of Draco's, he chased after you to get them back?"


"Then take something else of his, " she said simply. "It will give you an excuse to talk to him, and him an excuse to kiss you in private if he does like you."

Harry thought for a moment. It wasn't that bad of an idea... but what else could he take. A t-shirt?

"The only problem is that I think he's probably put locking spells on his wardrobes by now. I would," he laughed slightly, realising how creepy he had actually been breaking into his room. "So what could I steal?"

Hermione had a mischievous glint in her eyes, one that Harry hadn't seen for a long time.

"His boxers."

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