"Perhaps, I should remind you?"

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The door opened. Inside sat two chairs and a little rounded table. A window on the far wall was pushed open a little, letting a cool breeze into the room.

"Couldn't keep away, could you, Potter?"

Harry spun around. Draco raised his eyebrows and slowly advanced towards him.

"I'm not complaining of course," he said. For some reason, Harry failed to use his ability of speech. With each step Malfoy took, his heart quickened in pace.

"I do mind, however, you taking things that don't belong to you." By now, he was right in front of Harry, eyeing his jeans. "I thought you'd learnt your lesson from the last time you took my clothes... Potter."

His face was so close to Harry's that Harry had to refrain from fixing his gaze on Malfoy's lips. Instead, he looked away slightly, but he only felt Malfoy's hand pull his chin back to look him in the eye. "Perhaps, Harry," Merlin, the way he said Harry's name made him go weak in the knees, "I should remind you..."

It wasn't a question, but an order. Draco brushed his lips against Harry's teasingly. This was too much for Harry to take and so he reached out and pulled Malfoy against him, their lips meeting more forcefully this time.

Harry's head was a blur as Draco trailed his hands down his chest. He smirked against Harry, his hands finally reaching the belt of the jeans.

Draco deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into Harry's mouth and pressing harder against him. Harry let out a muffled moan.

Malfoy undid the belt and sild it off. Then he guided Harry across the room and pushed him up against the wall. Before Harry could react, Draco's head kissing his neck softly. It was the best feeling he had ever experienced.

Unwillingly Harry moaned again as Draco sucked on his sweet spot and trailed down. Harry's eyes widened as he felt Draco undo his jeans and pull them down. He definitely didn't want to admit it, but Harry had never wanted anything more than Draco right now.

Draco knew this and so he slipped a hand into Harry's boxers, touching him slowly. Harry stood weakly, head tilting in pleasure as he felt Malfoy teasing him.

He threaded his fingers through Draco's hair and tugged lightly as their lips met again. This caused Draco to moan into Harry's mouth. The feeling sent shivers up Harry's spine and soon he was emitting ungodly sounds of his own.

Malfoy continued and Harry thought he might pass out from the pleasure. Not long after did Draco pull away though, and removed himself from the mess which was the boy in front of him. He smirked at Harry who mumbled a sort of protest which sounded like "Don't stop," in the whiniest voice Draco had ever heard.

Draco leant in and kissed Harry once more, but softly this time. He then started to walk away yet again, his jeans, which Harry had kicked off a little too eagerly, in hand.

Harry moved away from the wall and adjusted his boxers, cursing under his breath. Draco left without another word, winking as he shut the door.

Harry sighed.


And then he looked down...

He had no trousers on.

Double fuck.

But then, before he had time to stress about how people would react to the 'Chosen One' walking around school half-naked, a pair of jeans immediately appeared.

Oh yeah, I'm in the ROR, he thought dumbly.

He picked up the jeans and slipped them on. They were slightly uncomfortable due to the problem that Malfoy had created -and not finished- but fit all the same.

As he turned to leave, Harry realised he still didn't have an answer to the question that was bothering him so much.

Did Malfoy really like him, or was this just some game?

A game which even though Harry started, he hoped that Draco wouldn't be the one to end it.

And maybe, after all, Draco really did care. Why else would he want to meet in the Room of Requirement and not his dorm, if not to save Harry some dignity?

Harry looked at his fully clothed self and smiled slightly, before heading out the door.

(I love stupid, oblivious Harry. Actually, scrap that. I just love Harry.)

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