"There's no speech in this chapter so I'm improvising."

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The next day, Harry had an idea.

He was walking to Potions when a familiar portrait caught his eye. It was the Slytherin dorms. The sight instantly reminded him of Malfoy and the kiss yesterday. Harry still couldn't quite figure out what Malfoy had meant by the words "I've got what I wanted."

Did he mean the kiss or the jumper?

So Harry came up with a plan.

Potions went by in a drawl. They were taking notes on the use of sprog roots in truth serums (I completely made this up for the sake of the story by the way) and Harry had never been more irritated.

After an hour of pain, he started walking up to the 8th year dorms. Harry had a free period and decided it was perfect timing to set his plan in motion.

He jumped up the last couple of steps and slipped into his room. Harry walked over to his chest and rummaged for his invisibility cloak. Throwing it over himself, he walked back out into the corridor.

The door to Malfoy's room was open a crack, but Harry couldn't hear anyone in it. Carefully, he moved the door further, just enough to see a tired Draco Malfoy asleep on his bed.

It's 3:30... what in Merlin's balls?

Anyway, Harry acted quick. He couldn't risk being seen. Not if he wanted his plan to work.

Eager to get out quick, Harry turned to the same wardrobe as last time and opened it again.


He reached out and grabbed a pair of Malfoys jeans. They were black and looked brand new. Probably because they are. I've certainly never seen him wear them to breakfast.

Harry looked over at Malfoy, who had started to stir, and moved back towards the door. His cloak rustled softly as he turned the handle, slipped out, and closed it behind him

Harry let out a long breath he hadn't realised he'd be holding.

Now all he had to do was wait.

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