"Room of Requirement, now."

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Harry walked into the Great Hall as he as done every other day. Except for this time, he was wearing Malfoy's jeans. Yes, the jeans he stole. And, may I add, they fit him perfectly, much to Harry's delight.

"Nice jeans, Harry." Once again, Ginny was the first to notice the new item of clothing Harry possessed. The rest of the Gryffindor table followed suit, complementing Harry.

Still worshipped, he thought.

Harry sat down next to Ron and was soon nudged in the elbow. "Hey, here's a fun question," Harry glanced at Ron in confusion, "Why is Malfoy smirking at you?"

Harry looked up to where Ron was nodding and locked eyes with Draco. A wide smirk was plastered across the blonde's face, making Harry slightly nervous.

All part of the plan, he told himself.

His eyes stayed locked on Malfoy, even as he started to make his way out of the hall. Harry then paid great attention to the food all of a sudden.

A few moments later Draco reappeared into the hall. Just as he had reached the Slytherin table to pick up an apple, the owls fluttered in to deliver the post.

Hedwig (I know It's set in 8th year but I just can't bring myself to kill her off) swooped down and dropped a scroll of parchment on Harry's plate. He picked it up and steered away from Ron's suspicious gaze. He opened the note. It read:

Room of Requirement.

Harry's plan had worked.

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