"It was never a game, Harry."

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"You're the biggest idiot I've ever met, Harry Potter."


Draco sighed, "When Hermione told me you were oblivious I had no clue it was this bad."

Harry felt a tiny bit attacked at this. "That's not fair! And when did you talk to Hermione anyway?" He had sat back up now, leaning an elbow on Draco's chest. "More importantly, why were you talking about me?"

"It was a couple of days ago," he said. "I ran into Hermione in the corridor an-"

Hermione? "Why aren't you calling her Granger anymore?" Harry cut in.

"So many questions! Merlin, will you let me explain. I'm getting to that bit."

Harry mumbled an apology and let Draco continue. "I saw her in the corridor and it was obvious you'd had told her something is going on between us," he gestured between the two of them, "then one thing led to another and we ended up talking for a whole free period about you. I stopped calling her Granger because Hermione is her first name and I'm not who I used to be."

Harry nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, I know that."
But he was still confused. "So why were you talking about my obliviousness?"

Now Draco looked a little uncomfortable... or was he nervous?

"Well...I- erm... I told her that I wasn't sure how to feel about it all. That I didn't know if you liked me or if it was just some fun for you,"

Exactly how I felt, Harry thought.

"She told me that you felt the same and not to be worried because 'he's so oblivious he couldn't tell if the whole population of Hogwarts was in love with him'."

Wow, thanks.

Draco looked at Harry and smiled, "I thought she was exaggerating, but the unsureness in your voice just then told me she was right... you really have no clue do you?"

What is the going on about?

"No clue aboutttt?" He drawled, still totally confused.

Draco facepalmed and then sighed again. "I like you too, you actual moron."

Harry looked both hurt and happy at this so Draco decided to explain a little. "You really think I would spend my free time teasing the Harry Potter if I didn't like him? Do you really think I would have made sure we were in the ROR that time- so that you weren't left without jeans and embarrassed in front of everyone- if I didn't care about you?"

"I thought that might have been the reason!" The triumph from being right faded quickly as Harry looked up at Draco and let the information sink in.

Draco likes me. Holy shit.

Draco fucking Malfoy just said he cares about me.

"You really mean that? It wasn't all just a game to you?"

Draco pulled Harry to him and wrapped his arms around the uncertain boy's waist.

"It was never a game, Harry."

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