Chapter Five

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*Day Three - Part One*

Eren's Pov

We all slowly got up besides Armin who wakes up super early and starts reading, using the light coming in the windows. It was around 10 something in the morning, then we all finally got up because Armin reminded us that we had a activity this afternoon. I think my day is going pretty good. Its a Wednesday and I got to sleep in a extra 4 hours. We all got dressed and tried to fully wake ourselves up. By then it was 11 o'clock and we decided to go get some food. When we arrived in the cafeteria it was full of Alphas and Zetroas eating their breakfast after their training. We got into the already empty line and had to wait a few minutes for some of the food to cook because the others took most of it. All of the tables were full and we was about to go outside and eat until Ian caught us. He said that the Commanders and Captains didn't mind if we said with them on other end of their table. So that's where we went, Armin sat on the end spot and I sat between him and Historia.

I ate some of my toast and butter than my fruit before I had to stretch my arms back and yawn. I went and moved onto my potatoes and eggs because Omegas can only eat meat when their in heat, sick or pregnant. I waited until Armin and Historia was done to take my tray back up. Historia and Armin didn't eat their fruit so the passed it to me and I ate it for them. The cooks have to check our trays and record what we ate and if we didn't eat our fruit then we got a ear full from a doctor and whatever commander that's in charge on that day. We all have been doing this since the first few days of boot camp but instead we would give it to Sasha. All of the Alphas and Zetroas was mostly gone has all three of us turned in our trays. Ian called us over to him. We walked over to him and the Commanders. "Do you guys mind going to the office cabin and picking up some papers?" Ian asked us before taking a drink of his tea.

"No, we don't mind, sir," Armin replied. "Okay, but first off stop giving your fruit to Eren," he said. We had suddenly gained everyone at the tables attention and they were giving us scolding looks. We lower our heads in submission. "That is laced with vitamins that you heavy need for your insides beside you sweat all of it out here. And if you don't eat it then it can harm from not having enough vitamins in your system. And having too much EREN, can also harm you, understand?" he stated. "Yes sir," we replied. "Good now, Rico should be their and believe you guys know what she looks like right?" he asked. We nodded. "Tell her that you need to get my clipboard and papers for today. She will know what your talking about," he spoke. "Stay Together!" Ian called after us. We nodded and headed out of the cafeteria and towards the office cabin that was across the training grounds and on the opposite side of the cafeteria and Omega cabin. We knocked on the cabin door to find no answer.

"Open the door, she may not be paying attention," Historia suggested. I tried to open it but it was locked. "You two should head back and tell Ian, I'll stay here in case she comes back," I ordered. "Okay," they sighed in defeat. It was too early for this. I watch has Armin's and Historia's slowly get smaller has I kept a eye out for Rico. A man around Ian's age with a brown mohawk and a scratchy beard came up on the cabin porch. "Do you need something?" he asked has he unlocked the office door. "I am looking for Rico, sir," I stated. He stepped in and held the door open for me. I walked in has he closed the door behind, I heard a small click sound. Weird? "Do you know where she is sir?" I asked turning around. He only stared at me with a weird look on his face.

"Si-sir?" I stuttered. A smirk came across his face has he looked me up and down. I took steps backwards has fear sunk into my boots. "Sir?" I asked quietly. He took steps forwards me causing me to take steps back. "Theirs nothing to be afraid of omega, its just a natural part of life," he said has my back hit the wall. He was inches away from me when I punched right in the face. Only his head moved. I felt my breath pick up has he turned he face back forwards. Blood was leaking for his mouth. "Your gonna fucking regret that," he growled. He's hand slammed forward and around my neck cutting off my air supply. I struggled for a few seconds before I brought my foot up hard between his crotch. I bent over sideways letting me take a running sprint to the door. "HELP!!!" I screamed before he got up and jumped on top of me. I felt tears start pouring out of my eyes. My mind wouldn't work has he pulled me backwards to him. "HELP!!" I cried out. Before I knew it he jerked my pants down pulling me up and on my knees. I quickly flipped myself onto my stomach. "HELP!" I cried out once more with sobbing voice. His hand was suddenly over my mouth.

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