Chapter Six

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*Day Four - Part One*

Eren's Pov

We were woken up to Ian flipping on the lights causing to me sit up some "EREN!" I heard my fellow omegas cry has they tackled me back down. It took Ian a solid good ten minutes to get everyone to settle down. I noticed someone standing by the doorway. I think it was Ian's mate. "I have some news everyone, omega camp is having an extra day added onto it so that means everyone will hopefully start their pairings on Saturday and Sunday, and not tomorrow. Also everyone this is my Alpha Commander Mike, he will he now be your second caregiver," Ian said pointing towards Mike. Mike only waved at us. "Now he doesn't speak much and he may look slightly scary but trust me, he is just a teddy bear. All of these new changes happened because of yesterdays event has you all know it," he explained. "You are also going to be pair up with you 'Omega Buddy'. Now we have a odd number so their is going to be a group of three. So everyone please pic- oh okay," Ian said.

We all quickly grabbed our buddy with Historia being with me and Armin. "Okay, well since you all know your buddy or buddies. Here are the rules for it, you all have to travel together and your not allowed to leave each others side, everyone understand?" he asked. We all happily nodded. He smiled. "Good, now also you have to stay within me or Mike's eye range besides the showers and bathrooms and this cabin, okay?" he stated. We all nodded once more. "Me and Mike will be waiting outside so get dress and we will head to breakfast, any questions?" asked Ian. We were all silent. Ian shrugged his shoulders before he and Mike left, closing the door behind them. We quickly all got dressed and headed out for them to take us to the cafeteria. Once we arrived Ian pulled me over to the side. "Eren, they have a special breakfast set a side for you after you get it. Come back and Mike will take you to Doctor Lucas for breakfast today, okay?" Ian explained. I nodded. He walked up to the line with me before he disappeared into the back to get my meal.

"Eren, what's happening?" Armin asked me before he got in line. "I'm eating breakfast with my doctor today," I replied. "Oh, will you come back afterwards?" questioned Historia. "I think so," I replied. Ian came back with two enclosed containers of food, he noticed Armin and Historia. "Don't worry guys, he he will be back after breakfast for our activity but he may be a little late," he reassured them. The nodded in return. "Alright, Eren go over to Mike and he will take you over to him," Ian told me handing me the containers. I nodded before I turned around and took off to the table where the Commanders and Captains were sitting at. Two guys and three girls bumped into. "Watch out you damn idoi - wait your that bitch that made a scene yesterday aren't you," a guy spoke. "N-no," I stuttered nervously. "Yes you are, what the is wrong with you, think your too high and mighty to get your little pussy fucked," growled a girl. I heard someone clear their throat behind causing me jump. I turned scarcely to see who was behind me. It was Mike. I quickly ran around and used his body has cover from them.

"Outside Now!" I heard a man growled. I peeked out behind Mike to see them turned around now looking at Captian Levi. "Your the real pussies, picking on a OMEGA!" he growled loudly has he slapped two of their trays off their hands. They shook in fear. I heard sudden growls come from my right side. I turned to see the Commanders and Captains looking at them like their were about to snap their necks. "Are you deaf?" Levi asked them quietly. "Huh?" they replied. "OUTSIDE!!" he screaming grabbing one of the alphas by the hair. They quickly ran out the door was he let the one go, but he stayed on their heels. Mike turned sideways and wrapped a arm around me and slightly pushed me toward. I started walking and he stayed right beside me with his arm around me, all the way to the medical cabin. Mike knocked on the door of the cabin. The door opened to reveal Lucas's feet has I kept my head down. Mike made a gruffing sound.

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