Chapter Three

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*Day Two - Part One*

Eren's Pov

It was early in the morning with the sun rising over the hills when we were called out to the field. It was the ODM training field where we first learned how to balance ourselves. (Pics Above And Imagine Them Close Together). I got placed on the end beside Armin with Historia on the other side of him. We were all balance out before we had orders. "Everyone! Listen up! Now, I want you to do a back-flip and then balance yourselves back out," Rico directed. Rico has standing with the other officials and a few Captains and Commanders. I look down like I was studying it has other cadets were trying it. If I curled myself into a ball then I should be able to balance back out again. I did a back flip successfully and manage to balance myself back out. I saw that Armin copied me and did it successfully has the others struggled.

"Historia! Use your upper body strength and push yourself off the ground," I called seeing that she was hanging upside down. She quickly flipped right side up and everyone soon copied what she did. "AHH!" I heard someone scream behind me. I let out a girlish scream along with Armin and Historia. We all flipped toward forward and was now hanging up side down. I noticed it was Ian. "How dare you man! I though we were buds," I scolded the zetroa. He laughed. "I'm just doing my job man," he chuckled in reply before he went down the line to do the same thing. Me and Historia flipped ourselves back up. "Armin, use your arms muscles to flip your self back over," Historia told him. "I Have No Muscleeesss," he cried causing to me start laughing.

I heard some of the official start laughing. I looked forward at them and saw Commander Erwin and Captain Levi among a few other Commanders and Captains. "AHH!" came a scream behind me again. I screamed like little girl and me and Historia flipped back over. Ian broke out laughing this time. I picked up a rock and chucked it at him, hitting him in the head. "HA! That's what you get!" I laughed. He looked up at me with a disapproving face causing me regret the fact that I was even born. "Oh no," I whimpered. He started walking towards. "Ahh! Wait! I'm Sorry! Ahh!" I screamed and cried like little girl has he keep walking towards me. A rock suddenly flying out of out where hitting him in the side of the neck.

"If your gonna hurt him then hurt me too," I heard Armin yelled at him. "Ya!" Historia joined in. I chuckled before I threw another rock at him. "EREN!" he warned. Armin and Historia started throwing rocks at him too, and soon everyone joined in. Ian quickly raced behind the officials and Commanders and Captains. I flipped myself back over along with everyone else besides Armin. "I'm So Gonna Fucking Regret This Later!" I said a bit too loudly with a smile. "Me To Yayy!" Armin cheered. "Wait," he said rethinking what he just did. "Armin, flip yourself over already," I told him. "I Have No Muscles!" he stated. "Oh ya, I forgot," I replied. I looked up at the poles that I'm hooked too. A idea popped up into my mind. I begun swinging myself side to side gaining the officials attention once more.

With one hand I grabbed onto my own pole and wrapped my legs around it. I reached over and grabbed one of Armin's four poles that was in the back. I wrapped my legs and arms around it and begun climbing my up the pole. Now I have everyone's attention has I had to stop for a breather. "Are you going to hurry up?" Armin asked with crossed arms has he hung upside down. "I'm catching my breath, bookworm," I replied. I stuck my tongue and finished my way to the top. I had to turn myself right, in order to not get my line all tangled up has I felt the line start pulling tighter and tighter. I turned myself all the way until I was on his side and my arm let go of the pole to grab onto his hook that held his two lines. "Ummm, Armin what am I opposite to do now?" I asked. "Uh, I don't know Your The One WHO WENT UP THEIR!" he yelled.

I heard people start laughing at me. "Just swing me back and forth," Armin said over their laughter. I begun swinging the hook back and forth has his lines to has well. He soon was able to flip back over has his lines still slight swung back and forth. "Umm, Armin? How am I opposite to get down now?" I asked him. "I don't know just let go I guess?" he said in a unsure tone. I let go and went flying back down. I let out a girlish scream once again has I realized I was going to fly right into a pole. Sudden Ian was in front of me with Rico behind me. They both caught me right before I flew into the pole with Ian's back against it. I was carefully put back into the center of it.

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