Chapter Nine

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Sorry its late but I found a cute ass yaoi manga book and it literally has nothing over their dicks. But look at how cute he is! I couldn't help but read this instead of writing, sowry yall

 But look at how cute he is! I couldn't help but read this instead of writing, sowry yall

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I also can't stop imagining Eren looking like him

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I also can't stop imagining Eren looking like him.

Comment if you want me to make a note chapter explaining what its about with more photos.

*Day Six*

Ian had woken us up three hours before the sun would rise. Which was way earlier than normal, we would normally wake up a hour or a half before sun rise so we were instantly all tried and grumpy. Ian and Mike forced us to get up and get changed despite our whines and cries of resistance, we immediately got up when Ian lost his temper and threaten to change us himself. We got changed and had to immediately set out to our doctors cabin, lucky our doctors was already waiting outside out sleeping cabin so Ian and Mike at least got somewhat of a break. Most of us including me, was to tired to even say goodbye to each other was we all groggily followed our doctors without a single complaint. I felt like I was about to fall over from exhaustion has Lucas held my hand and led the way, once we got their the sweet smell of meat covered in honey filled my nose. My eyes widen has a small blush formed on my cheeks. Meat is rare but honey is even rarer. "The honey will help you feel better," Lucas stated. I knew he was lying but I wouldn't say anything has I started stuffing my mouth.

Honey is suppose to a having calm effect on omegas while making them obey an alphas every command without though or reason, you don't realized that you didn't want to do this and that until after honey wears off. Us omegas are like bees to honey, one sniff and we can't help but to eat it all. After a few minutes of eating my head began to feel light and it scared me but I couldn't but to keep eating. Lucas must of smelled my fear because he started running his fingers through my hair was he cooed at me. I wanted so badly to stop eating but I couldn't and soon enough my mind and though process completely disappeared, it felt like if I eat any more than I would be sick. There was a hand suddenly over my mouth. "You've eaten enough little one," purred Lucas. I whined has other alphas came in and started taking the honey. No my honey. Tears streamed down my face over my honey being taken away but Lucas held me firmly, until the smell of honey was gone and suddenly I had no cravings.

"Stand up," he ordered. I stood up has he lightly cupped the back of my neck has a women pulled two chairs up and placed them in front of his doctors chair before they finally left. We walked over to his chair and I had no choice but to allow myself to be pulled by his hand. Lucas sat down it his chair with his hand still on me, causing me to bend over some. "Stand straight," he ordered. I did so with his hands now on my hips. "Strip out of everything," Lucas instructed. Normally if I was drunk off honey, I would be extremely embarrassed but, I was feel nothing at all besides a warm feeling in my chest that I loved. I stood completely still, waiting for my next ordered has he fold my clothes and placed them to the side. "Kneel," he commanded. I dropped to my knees, facing him. "Turn around and come has far back between my legs as you can," he told me. I silently obeyed. "Hands behind your back," he purred. I obeyed. "Spread your legs wider," he ordered.

I spread my knees out wider to shows my junk to the world has I felt Lucas lean down has a hand wrapped around the front of my neck and tilted his head to face my ear. "Good boy," he rumbled. A shiver went down my spine has I felt my body warm up. "Now, listen to me very closely. You will remain still and silent the whole time unless I tell you otherwise, when you do speak address me and them has alpha. Do you understand so far?" He ordered. The room suddenly felt hot has my nipple began to harden. "Yes," I whimpered. The hand around my neck tightly. "Yes What?!" Lucas growled. "Y-yes alpha," I cried out. Hearing myself say that made my stomach form butterflies has my cocklet stirred awake. "Good boy!" He crooned. "Now if you fail to follow my orders then you will be punished appropriately. I also want you take note about how you feel about the people who enter. Don't think or speak just feel, got it?" He commanded. "Yes alpha," I replied quickly. "Thats a good boy," he crooned has he released some of his alpha pheromones making my hole twitch slightly. Lucas started combing through my hair with his fingers, making me lean into it purring.

I squeezed my eyes shut has I begun sun bathing in all of the attention he was giving me. I fluttered my eyes back open when I heard the door open and incoming footsteps. Two women sat down into a chair in front of us. One of them was extremely muscle like Mikasa and the other was one of the most skinny people I've every met with glasses that covered her whole face. I felt my face scrunch up in disgusted at the though of mating with so ugly and nerdy, even if she wasn't a nerd, she still looked like a major turn off. A few minutes passed by before I slipped deeper into my head and they spoke to each other, they finally left after being here for a hour. I was internally grateful, the fishy smell of the bigger women was starting to bother me. Once they left, Lucas pulled me up into his arms and slowly dragged me out of my head space slightly by asking me questions about them. I told the truth, one was ugly and the other smelled like shit.

He had begun hand feeding me little pieces of fruit and meat, I ate it with using my hands and covering his hand in saliva. Time passed by in what felt like seconds, my head was so cloudy to the point that I had no concept of time. Soon enough was put back down onto the floor and he repeated his orders once more before a female and male couple came in. It was Captain Rico and Commander Nile, kinda a weird couple but I didn't mind they being together. The both of them seemed bipolar tho, I don't like Captain Rico, its like she doesn't feel sympathy for anything. Actually I'm pretty sure Commander Nile is to protective and old fashion, he would make me withdraw from the crops. Even if he doesn't, I want to kill titans with a lover rather than hiding behind the walls. I knew immediately that they wasn't for me. Me and Lucas repeated the routine until a new couple was sitting in front of us. This time it was Commander Mike and Captain Ian in front of us. It was a immediate no.

Captain Ian has become more of like a older brother figure to me, the though mating with him of all people kind of makes me uncomfortable. And Mike seemed like that creepy older cousin that just hangs around you for no reason. I hope they actually get Historia, they have already bonded so much. It was be a shame if they didn't get together. From what I overheard through my foggy mind, Ian was also uncomfortable becoming my mate. I'm pretty sure that they quickly left without bothering to ask any questions. I couldn't really form words but I somehow managed to say 'Historia's mate' before he could a draw me out of my head space slightly to talk. Lucas quickly forced me to do our routine, I was grumpy and tired from being in my head space from so long. I tried my best not to wiggle around has the next couple came in, Commander Hange and Captain Moblit. It was also a immediate no. I rather not have two more Armins running around that I won't be able to shut up because their above me.

Even though Hange was the alpha and Moblit was the zetroa, it seemed like their roles were switched it a weird way. Moblit was the one trying his best to keep Hange calm and under control, kinda funny really. I'm better sure they took their time but I wasn't to interested in them so I didn't pay anymore attention so time seemed to drifted by once more. Lucas pulled me up and cradled me in his arm has I spoke about them before he forced his hormones onto me and I had no choice but to fall asleep.

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