Chapter 13

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It's been a few weeks, I saw Momo's action towards me. I saw Jungkook was distancing away from BTS.

All of the BTS members were distancing themselves from me. Jungkook stoped talking to me. Momo was always with them and clinging on Jungkook.
I am not saying she shouldn't, ofcourese she can, she was his girlfriend.

I was walking down the stairs, when Momo came to me.

"I will break their friendship and make them hate you"- she said while looking at her nails.

"Why, what did I do to you. I didn't even know you. And what they did"-I asked angrily.

"You made my cousin's life miserable and I will make yours."- she said keeping her hands on her hips.

"Who's your cousin?"- I asked her.

"My cousin is.......Irene."- she said with a gloomy expression.

"I didn't do anything to her, why she is after me. We were best friends once. I don't even know what I did to her to make her hate me so much. "- I said gritting my teeth.

She called Irene and told her to meet in some place and told me to come along.

Momo was good, she never wanted to be in this but Irene threatend her and she had to come here.

We were in a park, at the very end where less or no people go. I saw Irene coming towards us. When she noticed I was present, she became furious.

"What she is doing here"- she aksed Momo angrily.

"I think you two should talk out the issues here and right now. I don't want to play this game anymore and I don't want you to get in trouble"-Momo said calmly.

"What issues, i told you everything right, why i need to talk to her"- Irene said looking at me.

"Irene, i absolutely and surely don't know what's making to hate me this much. We were best friends once, why are you hurting me like this "- i asked her angrily.

"You, you don't know what you did, then let me tell you "- she said

"Ok tell me, each and everything related to me and the things that's making you angry."- irequested her.

"First, you took away my crush, I even told you about him and the next day, he was kneeling for you. What explanations do you have for this"?- she said amd asked angrily.

When I heard her say that, I wasn't able to control my laughter.

"Irene, oh god. You misunderstood the situation. He was practicing."- i said while laughing.

Irene looked at me speechless. Momo was giggling beside me.

"He told me, he has crush on you too and before you can say anything, he will confess but you didn't came. He was so sad."- i further explained.

"You mean he had crush on me, like me not you."- Irene asked seriously

"Yes, he had a crush on you. But why didn't you came. Oh wait, how did you know what he was doing. You came right. Oh god I told him people will misunderstand"- I facepalm when I thought about it.

Irene was sitting there speechless.

"I went to your house next day but your butler said your whole family left in a hurry. I thought maybe something important came then i thought, you will call me later but I didn't received a single phone call from you, i called you so many times."- i told her.

She didn't said anything and went away.

"I know what she is feeling now. But she is sorry. Okay.  I know her. She is hot tempered. Forgive her for the things she did to you."-Momo said and went to Irene.

I got a call from Jin oppa, he called to me their home.

When I reached everyone was there(except Yoongi).

Jungkook was happy for some reason. Maybe Momo.

"Y/n, come here,  we need to ask you something."- Jin oppa said.

"What is it? Oppa"- I asked

The door bell rang.....

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