Chapter 4

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I went school earlier, as i have to complete my work earlier, i was not able to do in back home because i was busy with the work.

I was almost done when i heard the class room door opening. I looked at that and saw Taehyung. He came towards me and said down by my side

Taehyung: Hey, you are early today. Why?

You: oh! today i have to complete my assignment and i wasn't able to do back home, so i thought i should do it here. Why are you early?

Taehyung: i always come at this time.

You: oh okay.

i focus on my work but i can feel he was staring at me. I was feeling uncomfortable. 

You: can you please stop staring at me. It's creeping me out.

Taehyung: oh sorry, btw you are beautiful.

My heart started beating really fast and i can feel my cheeks are becoming pink.

You: thank you. You are handsome too.

Taehyung: I know. 

He smile showing his boxy smile. I don't know what i was feeling at the moment. My heart was beating really fast and there was this unknown feeling, i don't know how to describe.

 My heart was beating really fast and there was this unknown feeling, i don't know how to describe

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Teachers and students started coming in, Taehyung went to his seat and turn to me and smiled. I smiled too.

Irene came and sat with me. She was in a bad mood i guess.

You: Hey what happened? Why are you so mad today.

Irene: I fought with my mom these morning. She is always nagging, telling me not to do these not to that. AHHHHH i hate it.( it's because of you)

You: ohh!! come down, things will settle later on.

(Irene in mind: haha as if, when you will go, things will be settled)

she smiled and i smiled too. 




Me and Irene were eating, when i felt cold liquid flowing down from my head. I gasp and looked around and found Mina and her minions smirking.

Mina: hey slut listen, Taehyung is mine so keep away from him. He will never like a poor and ugly girl like you.( and she slapped me)

Irene: He is not your's so you keep away from him, just because you sleep with him doesn't give you the right to call him yours.

Thy were fighting over Taehyung, even my best friend. I went to the washroom and wash myself and changed into a different uniform.

When i went back, i saw Irene slapping Mina, that's when Taehyung came into the scene and demanded an explanation. Irene told him everything, and he broke up with Mina at that time and there. Everyone started laughing.

She glared at me and went away. Taehyung asked if i was okay. I nodded and we went towards there seat to eat.

Yoongi: Hey Y/N, are you alright, ( he asked in a worrying tone)

i nodded

J-Hope: wahhhh, hyung you asked her whether she is alright, you never ask me.(fake crying)

Yoongi: ahhh again, hope how are you?

J-Hope: now much better ( everyone started laughing except yoongi and Taehyung)

Jin: you sure naa Y/N you are good? she is really pain in the ass. How did Tae managed to keep up with her. i don't know

i nodded again and smiled.

I looked at Irene, she was looking at Taehyung but i just shrugged because she said she doesn't like any of them.

Me and the boys were getting closer, we started hanging out with each other. Taehyung and i were really close and i started having feelings for him. He used to take care of me, use to help me with some works.

Days started going really good between us and it was hard to imagine.

Yoongi was also close to me but not as close as Taehyung.

one day Taehyung called me and said he has to say something to me which is very important and to meet him at the Park opposite to our school at 6:30 in the said evening.

I was waiting for him and saw him waving at me from opposite side. I waved back. 

He ran to me and smiled. He hold my hand and stared at my eyes lovingly.

Tae: hey Y/n, i have something to sa..y.

Y/N: hmm what is it?

Tae: actually, it's quite a while i have this feeling, that I like you

Y/N: y..ou l....ike

Tae: yes Y/n, yes, i like you, do you like me too. I mean will you like to be my girlfriend.

Y/N: i you too and yes i will be you girlfriend. 

I was so happy, i really liked him, i have a crush on him since so long. I can't believe my ears that he said he like me too. 

We hugged each other and suprisingly he kissed, i kissed back and he deepen the kiss.

Cheater boyfriend( Taehyung ff) ft. BTSWhere stories live. Discover now