Chapter 5

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your pov

Many weeks went by, Taehyung always asks to sleep with him. But i am not ready for that yet. One day  he said if i don't sleep with him then it will prove that i don't love him.

After thinking about it, i agree to do the thing with him. He was so happy that day. I went to his house and we watched movie and we did it in the middle of the movie. I gave him my first everything, i really loved him.Little did i know,the happiness won't last long.

Everything was normal next day. Everyone was happy and Taehyung was excited for some reason

Taehyung Pov

I was excited to tell everyone about it , that i won the bet, i was feeling something about it, my heart fell sad thinking about breaking with her but i have to keep my image, i will use Irene to distract my mind from that poor girl. I know Irene likes me.

I told everyone about it, but no body was interested. Yoongi hyung was angry for some reason and went away. Jungkook promised to feed me, but others were not bothered about it and they continued what they were doing.

Yoongi Pov

Taehyung said he did it with her and he is planning to leave her now because of the stupid bet, he ruined her life. I must tell her now otherwise it will be to late.

I went to her where she was sitting under the tree, she saw me approaching and smiled at me. I was so angry with myself that i was not able to protect the one i love. 

Yes I love her, from the first day, but i was not sure about the feelings. 

When i small her smiling, i didn't got the guts to tell her about Taehyung. I was feeling so guilty that i can hardly return her smile. I sat with her under the tree.

she asked whether i have seen Taehyung or not, I said " i did not". And we talked for a minute, after that she got up and went to her next class. 


I was walking down the corridor, towards my class, when i saw Taehyung waiting. I thought he was waiting for me, so i called out to him but he ignored me.

I thought he may have not heard me, i went towards him but he walked away when a phone call came, he was smiling. I didn't give any thought about it and went to my class. Irene was not there, one of her friend said, that she went to her home.

I nod and sat on my seat.

School was about to end but i haven't saw Taehyung or any of his friends except Yoongi. Negative thoughts started coming into my head, I tried to get rid of the negative thoughts so many times but they kept on coming.

What if..... Taehyung doesn't like me anymore.

what if.... He got another girlfriend...

so many what ifs....Suddenly i got pushed and i fell. When i looked up, i saw Irene's friends. They were smirking.

Friend 1: Hey , look who is here, the slut who slept with boys.

Friend 2: She got the guts to seduce my oppas.

and they started kicking me out of nowhere. I was so confused that i didn't realize they went away.

My head was in mess, what made them think i slept with boys, who are there oppas and why would i seduce them.

The calling of the security guard brought me out of my thoughts.I was in daze all the way to my home. 

Next day , again didn't saw any members of the Bts.(where are they) When i thought about calling them, i saw Jungkook on my way, i went towards him and asked him about him.

You: Jungkook, where were you guys yesterday, i searched for you all.

Jungkook: I am sorry, i am busy now, i will talk later.( he walked away hurriedly)

I can see that he was hiding something from me but what?? what's there to hide, that they all avoided me like plague. What did i or they do... I was lost in thoughts, when a tight slap echoed through out the hall. I didn't realize what happened, until my cheeks started hurting. I saw those girls again, standing in front smirking.

Now it became there regular jobs to hurt and beat me whenever they want.  I haven't saw any of the BTS members from that day onward.  It was like they were never been a part of my life. Those cheerful and loud voices, those amazing dances, there silliness everything disappeared from my life.

Every day was same, those girls, there hands and my body. I something gets glimpse of Bts but they used disappeared within minutes without living any trace.

I was walking towards my favorite tree where i usually sit, i saw one of the boy who was my favorite person once , kissing a girl. 

I walked towards them, when i saw the girls face, She was Irene my best friend. I stood there, with tear in my eyes, hardly uttering a word.

You:, he spun around, first shocked then bored.(He held Irene by the waist and kisses her cheeks.) 

Taehyung: what?? why are you here. Can't you see i am trying to spend some time with my girlfriend.

You: I gave you my heart V, how can you do this to me.

Taehyung: who will like a ugly and poor girl like  you, i never liked you , it was a bet, i love Irene, go away i don't want to see your face from now on.

he walked away, i cannot believe my ears of what i heard , he betted me. He never loved me, he used my body for  bet.

Tears were flowing like river from my eyes , not wanting to stop.I felt someone hug me, i hugged him tightly and started crying again. He kept on stroking my head and mumbling little sorry.

When i was sober enough, i looked at the person YOONGI. His eyes were filled with guilt. Tears were visible in his eyes too, he was holding onto them not letting them fall.I knew from that look that he was aware about everything.

I tried to escape from his grips but he tightened them and holded me like i will disappear any moment. He said thousand of sorrys. but my heart was hurt, i wanted to cut my body into pieces. i was disgusted with my body, with myself. I wanted to disappear from there. 

Now i know why they all avoided me, why nobody have the guts to to face me. They all knew about the fucking bet and didn't tell me.

I pushed Yoongi and ran from there to my house , i wanted to escape everything for that moment. My head was not clear but i have a long way to go. I need to live for my PARENTS and have my revenge from that fuckboy and his friends.

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