Chapter 8

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3 months passed since that day, when Yoongi hyung left for abroad studies.
3 months passed, since the day I saw Y/n with Jin hyung and a different feeling i discovered while watching them interact.

I no longer am a playboy, who used to bet over girls. But still there is this feeling I never knew
I WAS AND I AM IN LOVE WITH Y/N. These few months showed me how stupid i was, seeing her smiling for someone other than me, make my blood boil.
She doesn't look my way anymore,  he hangs out with Jin hyung.Jin hyung protects her from others.

Irene is making her life, like a living hell, I tried to stop her but she threatened me to do something bad to her when I am not around or other are not around.

She is so annoying nowdays, she sticks to me like a glue with I never imagined. I thought to use her to forget Y/n.

I was do stupid to let Y/n go, now I regret that. I used and cheated her, I don't think she will ever forgive me, but I will still try to apologize to her. I tried to a few times in these past few months but she ignored me, even Jin hyung helped her.

Did hyung like her or what??
I don't know. I usually ask myself these questions. Why the f*** i did that to her, I hate myself for this. I once went to her home, but she was not living there anymore and I don't know where she lives now.
I know that i don't deserve her forgivness but I want to apologize to her for my wrong doings. She trusted me so much and I hurt her. Ahhh!! Why? Why? Did i do that****crying**** I am sorry Y/n,I am sorry. Tears were coming out of my eyes like waterfall, I can't control them.
I was deep in my thought, remembering the happy moments we spent, when my Mom called me downstairs.
I wiped my tears and went down. I saw my grandpa sitting with mon and dad.

"Ahh! Taehyungi, come here, let me look at you..wahh you grew up handsome just like me"(laughing)- grandpa said.

"Grandpa, nice to meet you, where is grandma." - I asked curiously.

There faces showed concern, I was about to ask when mom said.

"Taehyung, your grandma is very sick and we made a decision that, you are going with your grandpa to share their burden,okay.
Your appa and I can't come due to the company matters,but we will come after that."- mon explained.

I agreed  at once. I loved my grandma very much and I wantedto be with her from when I was a child and I can't lose to opportunity.


It been 3 monts since I have been torturing Y/n, but Jin oppa is always with her and protects her. Even Tae told me to stop bullying her, I threatened him. But the water is going above my head, I can't tolerate her.

When we first moved where she lived, we were friends, no best friends. We used to share everything, but once I told her

"Y/n, I like Sehun."
She smiled and said

"Ah! The senior boy with blond hair right"- y/n said

I nodded.

"Then confess your feelings"- she said.

Next day, when i went to school. She was standing with Sehun.

Sehun was sitting on one knee, and was saying something to her, when i was close enough, I heard him say

"Y/n, I love you, will you be my girlfriend."

My whole world crashed. She knew about my feeling for him still... I ran away at that moment crying.
I went home and cried till evening.
My mom and dad were out for business. I went to my parents room and took out the safety gun. I wanted to shoot Y/n at that moment.
My family is a mafia group, and a popular one - 'Black Rose'

I went out with the gun, I saw a girl coming my way, same school dress as mine.
I thought her to be Y/n, and shoot her, when i went near her, she was someone else.
Right at that moment, my mom and dad came and saw that.
We went inside quickly.

"What made you do that Irene"? - mom asked

Mo..m Y/n, I.. I she *sob* is Y/..n - i said sobbing and shuttering.

They looked so mad.
"Explain everything!" Dad demanded.

I explained but they didn't looked sad or happy.

Irene, Just because of a single person,  you wanted to shoot your best friend.

"But she took away the guy I liked dad."- I shouted

"Keep your vouce down Irene."- mom said angrily.

"Honey, what are we supposed to do now."-mom asked dad.

"Nothing much,  we need to move again."-dad said looking bored

Yes, last time we moved was also because of me, i pushed a boy in the lake, when he refused to give me the toy he was playing with.

I hated Y/n from that moment. My father never cared about me from that day. He said, if I did anything recklessly this time, he will handover me to a mafia in order to protect his group.

I planed to get rid of Y/n from school, she was supposed to have a maths quize 3 months ago but it got cancelled and will held me next week. I will spoil that and blame her simple. I just wish she gets kicked out.

But a problem is there. Jin oppa, he will again protect her. I can manage Tae but him...i need to think of something quickly.

By the way Jin oppa protect Y/n, there must be something going on between them. I need to find that out.

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